

词汇 affect
词根词缀 词源:
  affect (n.) 14c., "mental state," from L. affectus, pp. of afficere "act on, have influence on, to do something to," a verb of broad meaning, from ad- "to" + facere (pp. factus) "do" (see factitious). The verb meaning "to make an impression on" is attested from 1630s.
  affect (v.) "to make a pretense of," 1660s, earlier "to assume the character of (someone)" (1590s); originally in Eng. "to aim at, aspire to, make for" (late 15c.), from M.Fr. affecter (15c.), from L. affectare "to strive after, aim at," freq. of afficere (pp. affectus) "to do something to, act on" (see affect (n.)).
影响;(疾病)侵袭;感动n.情感,感情His affection for the defects is affected by the infectious perfect effect.他对缺点的锺爱受到具有感染力的完美效果的影响.
affect v 影响,感动(af使+fect=使人做=影响)
fac,fact,fect,fic,fig=make,do,表示”做,制作”facile a 容易做的(fac+ile能…的)
facilitate v 使容易(fac+ilitale能够=使能够做=使容易)
facility n 便利,便利设备(容易让人做事)
factor n 要素,动力(fact+or=促使人做的东西=要素,动力)
benefactor n 捐助者,恩人(bene好+fact+or=做好事的人)
benefaction n 善事,恩惠(bene好+fact+ion)
malefaction n 罪恶,犯罪(male坏+fact+ion)
facsimile n 复写,传真(fac+simile相同=做出相同的东西=传真)
faction n 宗派,小集团(fact+ion=[一帮人]做=小集团)
factious a 搞派别的(faction的形容词)
factitious a 人为的,不自然的(fact +itious…的=做出来的,不自然的)
manufacture a 制造(业)
前用 的手做)
affect v 影响,感动(af使+fect=使人做=影响)
affected a 受感动的,假装的(affect 影响+ed=被影响的=被感动的)
affection n 感情,友情(affect+ion=感动=感情)
affectation n 假装(affect+ation=做出的感动=假装)
affectionate a 充满感情的(affection 感情+ate)
affective a 令人感动的( affect感动+ive表示主动的形容词=令人感动的)
confection n 糖果(con共同+fect+ion=混在一起=糖果)
confectionery n 糖果店(confection糖果+ery=糖果店)
defect n 缺点,缺陷,变节(de坏+fect=做坏了=缺陷)
defection n 叛党,变节(de坏+fect=做坏事=叛党)
disaffect a 使…感情疏远,不满(dis分开+affect感情=感情分开=疏远)
disaffected a 不满的,背离的(disaffect+ed)
effect v 实施,生效,效果(ef出+fect=做出来=生效,效果)
effective v 有效的(effect +ive)
effectuate v 使…有效(effect+uate表示动词)
infect v 传染,感化(in进入+fact=做进去=传染进去)
infection n 传染,感化(infect+ion)
infectious a 传染性的(infect+ious)
perfect a 完美的,完全的(per全部+fect=全部做完=完美的)
perfection n 完全,完美(perfect+ion)
sacrifice v 牺牲n. 牺牲品(sacri神圣+fice=为神做的东西=牺牲品)
efficacy n 功效,功能(ef出+fic+acy=做出来的结果=功效)
efficacious a 有效应的(efficacy.y 变成i,再加ous)
efficient a (做事)
proficient a 精通的,熟练的(pro前+fic+ient=以前做过=熟练的)
proficiency n 精通,熟练(pro+fic+inecy)
suffice v 使满足,充足(suf在下面+fice=在下面先做好=充足)
sufficient a 足够的,充分的(suffice+inet)
profit n 利润,利益(pro前+fit[=fict]=先做的好处=利益)
profitable a 有利润的(profit+able)
fiction n 虚构,小说(fict+ion=做出的故事=小说)
fictitious a 虚构的(fict+itious)
feat n 功绩,事业(feat=fact做大事=功绩)
feature n 面貌,特征(feat+ure=做事的状态=做事特征)
feasible a 可行的,可能的(feas做+ible=能够做的=可行的)
malfeasance n 不法行为(mal坏+feas+ance=做坏事)
defeat v 打败,摧毁(de向下+feat=做下去=打下去)
defeatism n 失败主义(defeat +ism)
figment n 虚构的事物(fig+ment=做出的东西=虚构)
figure n 形象,人物(fig+ure =做出的状态=形象)
transfigure v 使变形,使改观(trans改变+figure形状)
configuration n 结构,形状,配置(con共同+figure形象+ion=形象放在一起=总结构)
fashion n 时髦,风气(fash[=fac 做]+ion=做出的东西=时髦)
fashionable a 时髦的,流行的(fashion+able)




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