combining form
⇨ see tol-
combining form
⇨ see tol-
1860 Kopp in Phil. Trans. CL. 262*Toluate of Ethyl..C20H12O4.
1868 Watts Dict. Chem. V. 862A mixture of toluate and formate of calcium yields by distillation toluic aldehyde, C8H8O.
1871 Jrnl. Chem. Soc. XXIV. 680On the determination of the chemical position in some *Toluene derivatives.
1887 Standard 16 Sept. 3/3 The toluene was the root substance from which..saccharine was prepared.
1894 Daily News 26 Jan. 5/4 One ton of good cannel coal, when distilled in gas retorts, leaves twelve gallons of coal-tar, from which are produced a pound of benzine, a pound of toluene, a pound and a-half of phenol, six pounds of naphthalene, a small quantity of xylene, and half-a-pound of anthracene for dyeing purposes.
1857 Miller Elem. Chem. III. 430In the benzoic series the existence of three homologous terms,..the benzoic, the *toluic, and the cuminic series.
Ibid. 475But the acid.., the toluic (or toluylic), is known.
1873 Watts Fownes'Chem. (ed. 11) 816Toluic Acid is derived from dimethyl⁓benzene.
1880 Nature XXI. 218/2 A toluic alcohol.
1845–8 Noad in Mem. &Proc. Chem. Soc. III. 422Proposed the more appropriate name of *toluol.
1857 Miller Elem. Chem. III. 479When balsam of tolu is distilled, it yields benzoic ether and a hydrocarbon..termed toluole.
1863 Tyndall Heat i. 20Let us compare in this respect toluol and water.
1866 Roscoe Elem. Chem. 335A series of bodies, isomeric with these toluol compounds, exists.
1891 Anthony's Photogr. Bull. IV. 415Formula for the production of toluol matt varnish.
[ 1870Jrnl. Chem. Soc. XXXIII. 135 (caption)Trichlorotoluquinone. ]
1874 Index Jrnl. Chem. Soc. 1848–72 254/1*Toluquinones.
1975 Nature 20 Nov. 194/1 The chemicals present in the glandular secretions of insects are often exceedingly diverse... They comprise..a great number of phenolic substances and quinones (such as phenol..and toluquinone).
1868 Watts Dict. Chem. V. 869*Toluric acid crystallises from boiling water in colourless laminæ; from alcohol in trimetric prisms.
Ibid. ,*Toluyl. C8H9. The radicle of toluylic alcohol and its allied compounds; isomeric with xylyl.
1873 C. H. Ralfe Phys. Chem. Introd. 19Benzene C6H6 and Toluene C7H8 are the most important members of this series... From them are derived the important monad radicals phenyl C6H5 and toluyl C7H7.
1896 Allbutt's Syst. Med. I. 196The action on the blood of certain poisons, such as arseniuretted hydrogen and toluyl-endiamine.
1862 Miller Elem. Chem. (ed. 2) III. 462*Toluylia is a fusible crystalline solid, which boils at 388°.
1857 *Toluylic . [ see toluic]
— see tol-
— see tol-