词汇 | tour |
词根词缀 | 词源: tour (n.) c.1320, "a turn, a shift on duty," from O.Fr. tour, tourn "a turn, trick, round, circuit, circumference," from torner, tourner "to turn," from L. tornare "to polish, round off, fashion, turn on a lathe" (see turn). Sense of "a traveling around, journey" is first recorded 1643. The verb is attested from 1746. Tour de force "feat of strength" is 1802, from Fr., from force "strength." Tour de France is recorded from 1922. The Grand Tour, a journey through France, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy formerly was the finishing touch in the education of a gentleman. 词根记忆: n. 旅游,旅行;巡回演出/比赛v.旅游The honourable journalist spent an hour on the journey of tour.可敬的新闻记者在观光旅程上花了一个小时. v. /n.旅游(转着玩)[tour,torn,tourn=turn,表示"转,环绕"] 词根词缀: tour tour v n.旅游(转着玩) tour, torn, tourn =turn, 表示”转,环绕” tour v n.旅游(转着玩) tourist n 旅游者(tour+ist) contour n 轮廊(con全部+tour=全部转一圈=轮廊) detour n 迂路,曲折(de加强动作+tour=转着走=语汇的路) tournament n 锦标赛(tourn转+a+ment=转着轮流比赛,锦标赛) tornado n 龙卷风(torn+ado=转着的风=龙卷风) attorney n 律师(at+torn+er=玩的转的人=律师) tourniquet n 止血绷带(止血绷带紧紧环绕肢体) tourism n 旅游(tour旅游) -ism名词 (1) 表示”各种主义,宗教” cynicism n 犬儒主义(cynic犬儒主义者) empiricism n 经验主义(empirical经验的) eclecticism n 折衷主义(eclectic折衷的) asceticism n 禁欲主义(ascetic禁欲) optimism n 乐观主义(aptim最好) hedonism n 享乐主义(hedon愉快) opportunism n 机会主义(opportune时机 的,机会的) extremism n 极端主义(extreme极端) idealism n 唯心主义(ideal理想) materialism n 唯物主义(material物质) lslamism n 伊斯兰教(islam伊斯兰) confucianism n 儒教(confucian孔子的) catholicism n 天主教(catholic天主教徒) buddhism n 佛教(buddha佛) (2) 表示”学术或学术流派” magnetism n 磁学,磁性(magnet磁铁) fatalism n 宿命论(fatal致命的) atheism n 无神论(a无+the神+ism) pedagogism n 教学法(ped儿童+agog引导+ism) atomism n 原子论(atom原子) modernism n 现代派(modern现代的) impressionrsm n 印象派(impression印象) cubism n 立体派(cube立体的) structurism n 结构派(structure结构) socratism n 苏格拉底学派(soctates苏格拉底,古希腊哲学家) (3) 表示”行为,现象,状态” escapism n 逃难现实(escape逃难) tourism n 旅游(tour旅游) sexism n 性别歧视(sex性别) methodism n 墨守成规(method方法) fanaticism n 狂热盲信(fanatic狂热者) schism n 分裂(schi[=schist分裂]+ism参考:schiz精神分裂症者) cannibalism n 同类相食(cannibal原指加勒比土著,为一食人族) plagiarism n 剽窃(plagiar斜的+ism…做不正当事…剽窃) barbarism n 野蛮状态(barbar原形容野人说话方式) gigantism n 巨大畸形(gigant巨人) (4) 表示”疾病” astigmatism n 散光(a 无+stigmat斑点+ism…看不见斑点…散光) daltonism n 先天性色盲(dalton道尔顿,研究色盲的英国化学家 物理学家) atavism n 隔代遗传(atav祖先+ism) rheumatism n 风湿病(rheumat稀黏液+ism ) alcoholism n 酒精中毒症(alcohol酒精) albinism n 白化病(albin白色+ism ) (5) .表示”具备某种牲质” humanism n 人性(human人) brutalism n 兽性(brutal野兽的) antatonism n 对抗性(ant对抗+agon打斗,竞赛) absurdism n 荒唐性(absurd荒唐的+ism) |
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