词汇 | humane |
词根词缀 | 词源: c.1450, variant of human, used interchangeably with it until early 18c., when it began to be a distinct word with sense of "having qualities befitting human beings." But inhuman still can be the opposite of humane. The Royal Humane Society (founded 1774) was originally to rescue drowning persons. 词根记忆: a. 有人情的,仁爱的(humane+e→有人情的)[hum=earth,表示"土,地"] 词根词缀: humane humane a 有人情的,仁爱的(humane+e=有人情的) hum=earth,表示”土,地” humble a 谦恭的,下贱的(hum+ble=接近地面=谦恭的) humility n 谦让,低下(hum+ility状态=地的状态=低下) humiliate v 羞辱,侮辱(hum+iliate使…使人到地上=羞辱别人) humiliation nn 耻辱(humiliate+ion) inhume v 埋葬(in进入+hume=进入土中) exhume v 掘出(ex 出+hume=出土=掘出) posthumous a 死死的,遗腹的(post后+hum土,引申为死+ous=死后的) hummock n 小圆丘(hum+mock圆丘=土丘) human n 人类(传说人是由土造出的) humane a 有人情的,仁爱的(humane+e=有人情的) |
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