"measure of weight," late 14c. The quantity necessary to fill a tun or cask of wine, thus identical to tun, q.v.. The spelling difference became firmly established 18c. Ton of bricks in the colloquial figurative sense of what you come down on someone like is from 1884.
"prevailing mode, style, fashionable ways," 1769, from French ton (see tone, n.).
词根:ton 音
tonal [ton音,-al…的] 音调的
tonality [ton音,-ality名词后缀] 音调
tone [ton音] 音,音调,调子
toneless [见上,-less无] 缺乏声调的,单调的
tonetic [ton音,-etic形容词后缀,…的] 声调的
tonetics [见上,-ics…学] 声调学
monotone [mono-单一,ton音调] 单调,单调的
monotonic [mono-单一,ton单调,-ic…的] 单调的
monotonous [见上,-ous…的] 单调的,单音调的
monotony [见上,-y表抽象名词] 单音,单调,不成调的
atonal [a-无,ton音调,-al…的] 无调的,不成调的
atony [见上,-y表抽象名词后缀] 无声调,无重读音
baritone [bari重,ton音;’重音”] 男中音
diatonic [dia-贯穿,全,ton音,-ic…的] 全音阶的
intone [in-构成动词,表示做…,见上] 发长音,呤诵,吟咏
intonation [见上,-ation名词后缀] 声调,语调
undertone [under-下,低,小,ton音] 低音,小声