"the sea between southern Europe and northern Africa," c.1400, from Late Latin Mediterraneum mare "Mediterranean Sea" (7c.), from Latin mediterraneus "midland;" the original sense being of "sea in the middle of the earth," from medius "middle" (see medial, adj.) + terra "land, earth" (see terrain). The Old English name was Wendel-sæ, so called for the Vandals, Germanic tribe that settled on the southwest coast of it after the fall of Rome. The noun meaning "a person of Mediterranean race" is from 1888.
〔李〕[medi-;terr;-aneann.] n.地中海 a.地中海的 ←terr (L terra)=land 地
〔李〕n.地中海 [terr=land,earth] ←medi-[L] =middle中间的
〔李〕n.地中海 [terr=land,earth] ←medico-[L] =medical医学的,医疗的
〔蒋〕[terr=earth,land土地,陆地] 地中海