kerato- 或 kerat- 也作 cerato- 或 cerat-
- Horn; horny:
角质疣,角化病 - Cornea:
- Greek kerato- [horn]
希腊语 kerato- [角] - from keras kerat- * see ker- 1
源自 keras kerat- *参见 ker- 1
kerato- or (before a vowel) kerat-
combining form
indicating horn or a horny substance
indicating the cornea
from Greek kerat-, keras hornkerato-
variant of cerato-:
Also, especially before a vowel, kerat-.
Related Words
- cerat-
- keratoconjunctivitis
- keratoconus
- keratoderma
- keratogenous
- keratolysis
combining form
⇨ see kerat-
combining form
⇨ see kerat-
combining form
- relating to keratin or horny tissue表示“有关角蛋白的”; “有关角质组织的”。
- relating to the cornea表示“有关角膜的”。
from Greek keras, kerat- 'horn'.
1887 Syd. Soc. Lex. ,*Keratectasia.
1904 L. W. Fox Dis. Eye vi. 172Keratectasia. The term applied to the undue protrusion of an opaque cornea as the result of some inflammatory condition.
1918 J. H. Parsons Dis. Eye (ed. 3) xi. 198As the cicatrix becomes consolidated the bulging may disappear, or it may remain permanently as an ectatic cicatrix (keratectasia from ulcer).
1972 Biol. Abstr. LIV. 6213/2Differential diagnosis is discussed for keratoconus, keratectasia,..and corneal transplant marginal degeneration.
1871 W. S. Watson in Lancet 8 July,On a new operation ‘*Keratectomy’.
1907 J. H. Parsons Dis. Eye xiii. 301The *keratic precipitates..consist of leucocytes which are deposited from the aqueous upon the back of the cornea and stick there.
1955 P. D. Trevor-Roper Ophthalm. xxiii. 415The endothelial cells become distended and tacky, so that any corpuscles that have been exuded into the aqueous from the iris and ciliary vessels are liable to adhere, forming keratic precipitates.
1950 A. Rook in Proc. R.Soc. Med. XLIII. 839MacCormac and Scarff (1936, Brit. J. Derm., 48, 624), in the first published account of the condition, proposed to name it molluscum sebaceum, but as this term has been employed as synonymous with molluscum contagiosum, we prefer the name *kerato-acanthoma which was suggested some years ago by Dr. Freudenthal.
1950 Q. Cumulative Index Medicus XLVIII. 1201/2 Kerato-acanthoma (molluscum sebaceum).
1952 Brit. Jrnl. Dermatol. LXIV. 425,I wonder if Dr. Ferguson Smith's cases of multiple self-healing epitheliomata..are really very different from these kerato-acanthomata.
1954 Jrnl. Amer. Med. Assoc. 5 June 562/2Keratoacanthoma enlarges rapidly to maximum size (1 to 2 cm.) in four to eight weeks.
1972 Cancer XXIX. 1387 Histopathologic study of 108 keratoacanthomas and 14 squamous cell carcinomas failed to reveal any consistent single feature allowing for their distinction.
1941 Amer. Jrnl. Ophthalm. XXIV. 900 (heading)*Kerato⁓conjunctival lesions observed at high altitudes in Bolivia.
1965 Biol. Abstr. XLVI. 4694/1Diagnostic value of the keratoconjunctival test in dysentery.
1887 Syd. Soc. Lex. ,*Keratoconjunctivitis.
1892 Arch. Ophthalm. XXI. 445On kerato-conjunctivitis of rhino-pharyngeal origin.
1954 S. Duke-Elder Parsons'Dis. Eye (ed. 12) xxxiii. 554Kerato-conjunctivitis sicca (Sjögren's syndrome), a general systemic disturbance of unknown origin usually occurring in women after the menopause.., is characterized by deficiency of the lacrimal secretion leading to dryness of the eyes.
1960 Jrnl. InfectiousDis. CVI. 162/1Keratoconjunctivitis in sheep of an infectious character is prevalent in many sheep-breeding districts in Norway.
1972 Biol. Abstr. LIV. 325/2An outbreak suspected to be infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis in Zebu cattle was reported in Khartoum, Sudan.
1859 Dixon Dis. Eye (ed. 2) 85Conical Cornea..has also received various other names, as Hyperkeratosis,..*Keratoconus, &c.
1879 St. George'sHosp. Rep. IX. 511Imperfect optical iridectomy by Mr. Carter's method..for Keratoconus.
1933 Arch. Dermatol. & Syphilol. XXVII. 87In man a diffuse *keratoderma is the result of a different mutation than that causing papular keratoderma.
1967 H. Montgomery Dermatopath. I. v. 68/2Recently a 34-year-old woman was seen who had had diffuse keratoderma of the palms and soles all of her life.
1972 C. B. S. Schofield Sexually TransmittedDis. xvi. 183Skin lesions..are found in about 10 per cent of patients with Reiter's disease... These fully developed lesions are known as keratoderma blenorrhagica, and histologically are indistinguishable from pustular psoriasis.
1902 H. W. Stelwagon Treat. Dis. Skin iv. 502Besnier divides the cases into four classes:..(2) the symmetric *keratodermia developing in childhood, of an erythematous and irritable character..; (3) symmetric keratodermia, especially of the feet, developing primarily in isolate foci..; (4) accidental keratodermias.
1970 Dermatologica CXLI. 321 Localized congenital erythrokeratodermias are a separate entity of keratodermias among erythrodermias and hyperkeratoses.
1923 *Keratogenic . [ see encephalitogenic a.]
1959 Science 26 June 1744/2 The presence of CO2 at concentrations higher than atmospheric concentrations restricts the ability of the chorion to undergo keratogenic changes.
1971 Dermatologica CXLII. 14 The follicular-keratogenic properties of several fatty acids were investigated.
1887 Syd. Soc. Lex. ,*Keratogenous.
1907 Practitioner Dec. 849 The keratogenous and analgesic properties of picric acid, as exhibited in the treatment of burns.
1951 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. LIII. 474In the hair, the fibrils..are most pronounced in the keratogenous zone.
1962 Jrnl. Investigative Dermatol. XXXVIII. 237/1Keratohyalin granules occur in abundance in epidermal cells located next to the keratogenous zone.
1887 Syd. Soc. Lex. ,*Keratohyaline.
1889 Brit. Jrnl. Dermatol. I. 235Waldeyer held that they were composed of a solid hyalin-like substance, which he called Keratohyalin. [ sc. granules]
1937 E. Wolff Dis. Eye i. 13In the cells of the deeper layers are found numerous granules of keratohyaline.
1972 Biochim. & Biophys. Acta CCLXI. 416 The three most common amino acid residues in the keratohyalin material..are glutamic acid, glycine and alanine.
1842 Dunglison Med. Lex. (ed. 3)*Kerato-iritis, Aquo-Membranitis.
1879 P. Smith Glaucoma 23,I believe the disease first becomes a ‘kerato-iritis’.
1887 Syd. Soc. Lex. ,*Keratoma.
1902 H. W. Stelwagon Treat. Dis. Skin iv. 498Callositas. Synonyms—Tyloma; Tylosis; Keratoma; Callus.
1931 L. McCarthy Histopath. SkinDis. ix. 438Keratoma senilis is one of the factors that make up the clinical condition known as old-age atrophy of the skin.
1972 Biol. Abstr. LIV. 374/1 (heading)A case of senile keratoma on the eyelid.
1876 Dunglison Dict. Med. Sci. (rev. ed. ) 565/1*Keratomalacia.
1886 C. M. Culver tr. Landolt's Refraction & Accommodation of Eye v. 413Certain affections of the cornea, as keratomalacia, or central corneal ulcers, may bring about a notable flattening of this membrane.
1920 Biochem. Jrnl. XIV. 519The histological and bacteriological evidence shows that keratomalacia among rats consists in a breakdown of the corneal tissue, caused by bacterial invasion.
1969 New Scientist 30 Jan. 227/1 Keratomalacia, scurvy and beriberi are also frequent aftermaths of infection in people living on diets deficient in vitamin A, ascorbic acid, and thiamine respectively.
1886 C. M. Culver tr. Landolt's Refraction & Accommodation of Eye iv. 330Javal and Schiötz have adapted a similar disc to their *keratometer.
1927 Amer. Jrnl. Ophthalm. X. 683/2In the measurement of irregular astigmatism in the center of the cornea, the keratometer is usually extremely valuable.
1972 Stone & Phillips Contact Lenses iv. 105Since the optic radii of a contact lens are similar to those of the cornea, a keratometer may be used to check them.
1885 Arch. Ophthalm. XIV. 175The hyperbolic lenses..can be manufactured to order to suit each particular case from data furnished by the *keratometric measurements.
1927 Amer. Jrnl. Ophthalm. X. 678/1The accuracy of a keratometric record..depends primarily on having a good modern instrument.
1973 W. G. Sampson in Symposium Contact Lenses (New OrleansAcad. Ophthalm. ) ii. 22Javal's rule was used in the past to estimate the predicted spectacle cylinder from keratometric measurements.
1891 Ophthalmic Rev. X. 250 (heading)Contributions to *keratometry.
1972 Stone & Phillips Contact Lenses iv. 105The central radius is determined by ‘classical’ keratometry.
1883 Ophthalmic Rev. II. 369 (heading)*Keratomycosis.
1951 H. L. Birge in A. Sorsby Syst. Ophthalm. ix. 305Keratomycosis (moniliasis) is rarely seen in the cold climates, and usually follows some sort of trauma to the eye with an earthy substance.
1971 Amer. Jrnl. Ophthalm. LXXI. 1191/2A fifth case of keratomycosis due to Allescheria boydii is reported.
1822–34 Good's Study Med. (ed. 4) III. 172The anterior operation, invented by Buchorn, or rather by Conradé, has been named *Keratonyxis.
1874 Lawson Dis. Eye 127Operation by Solution—Keratonyxis—consists in breaking-up with a fine needle the central portion of the capsule of the lens.
1948 D. G. Cogan et al. inArch. Ophthalm. XL. 625The corneal changes are those generally called band keratitis, but, for obvious reasons, are more properly designated as band *keratopathy.
1958 Circulation XVIII. 524/2 Lipid keratopathy..consists clinically of a fatty plaque in an area of the cornea that has been previously vascularized.
1972 H. M. Leibowitz in Gasset & Kaufman Soft Contact Lenses xxv. 202Hydrophilic contact lenses have been found to be extremely useful in the therapy of bullous keratopathy.
1774 Goldsm. Nat. Hist. VIII. 197Coralines,..sponges, astroites, and *keratophytes.
1887 Syd. Soc. Lex. ,*Keratoplastic.
1907 W. A. Pusey Princ. &Pract. Dermatol. i. 126The keratoplastic action that is noted from the application of various powders upon raw epithelial surfaces may be due partly to their drying action.
1951 A. Grollman Pharmacol. & Therapeutics xxv. 522Chrysarobin is used in skin diseases, especially in psoriasis... In a strength of 10 to 20 per cent it has a keratolytic action while in more dilute form (5 per cent) it exercises a keratoplastic action.
1857 Dunglison Dict. Med. Sci. (rev. ed. ) 518/1*Keratoplasty.
1888 Arch. Ophthalm. XVII. 524In making his experiments on keratoplasty Wagenmann..first took flaps from the cornea of rabbits which were left in partial communication with it.
1939 E. B. Spaeth Princ. &Pract. OphthalmicSurg. xvi. 489Circumscribed or partial penetrating keratoplasty has offered up to the present day the best permanent results.
1948 Sci. News VIII. 31This problem has been resolved by keratoplasty, or corneal transplantation.
1972 Arch. Ophthalm. LXXXVII. 538/1Corneas more than 50 hours old and from elderly donors are dependable for use in penetrating keratoplasties.
1886 C. M. Culver tr. Landolt's Refraction & Accommodation of Eye iv. 329This author uses, as a ‘*keratoscope’, a disc of card-board, wood or zinc, 23 centimetres in diameter. On one side is drawn a series of concentric circles, alternately black and white. [ sc. Placido]
1910 H. C. Parker Handbk. Dis. Eye 81The cone is observed by inspection..with an instrument known as the keratoscope.
1972 Jrnl. OpticalSoc. Amer. LXII. 169/1In a conventional keratoscope, light from a flat or curved target subtending about 150° at the eye is specularly reflected by the anterior surface of the cornea.
1882 C. Macnamara Man. Dis. Eye (ed. 4) ii. 40*Keratoscopy may assist us in forming a diagnosis.
1902 E. H. Lendon Method of Cuignet 5The word ‘Keratoscopy’ has now be equivalent to ‘Shadow Test’.
1972 Feldman & Carney in Gasset & Kaufman Soft Contact Lenses xxxiii. 269By using photoelectric keratoscopy and lenses designed by computer to fit the measured eye, we were able to resolve these problems.
1885 Buck's Handbk. Med. Sci. I. 419/2 (heading)Laminated epithelial plugs (*Keratosis obturans, Wreden, Burnett).
1888 Trans. Path. Soc. London XXXIX. 357That the keratoses were in their turn due to arsenic no one will, I think, doubt.
1939 Arch. Dermatol. & Syphilol. XXXIX. 235A unique case of tumor-like keratoses developing on the dorsum of the hands after severe sunburn is reported.
1966 Wright & Symmers SystemicPath. II. xxiv. 1487/2The type of keratosis that is caused by arsenic has a microscopical picture much less complex than that of senile and solar keratosis.
1972 Daily Colonist (Victoria, B.C. ) 26 Jan. 2/1These brown spots..can be generally called senile keratoses, although they are not all of the same type.
1934 Brit. Jrnl. Dermatol. XLVI. 162*Keratotic lesions..were observed with this distribution in nine of the ten cases.
1972 Arch. Dermatol. CV. 249/3An 18-year-old daughter of the patient..began developing firm keratotic papules on her thighs at the age of 13.
1972 C. B. S. Schofield Sexually TransmittedDis. xvi. 183The lesions tend.., if dry, to develop keratotic crusts.
1897 Allbutt's Syst. Med. II. 79Boeckmann and Kaurin have found *Keratotomy sometimes of use in saving a cornea from a growth encroaching from the sclerotic. [ of leprosy]
before vowels, kerat-, word-forming element meaning "horn, horny," from Greek keras (genitive keratos) "horn," from PIE *ker- (1) "horn, head" (see horn, n.).
ORIGIN: Greek , from kerat- , keras horn: see -o- . Cf. cerato- .
combining form.
horny substance: Keratosis = a small, horny growth on the skin.
cornea: Keratitis = inflammation of the cornea.
Also, kerat- before vowels.
[< Greek kéras, -atos horn]
I.combining form
see cerat-
see kerat-
see cerat-
see kerat-
- horn
- cornea
From Ancient Greek κέρας (kéras, “horn”)
Derived terms
English words prefixed with kerato-