

词汇 punch
词根词缀 词源:
  punch (v.) "to drive (cattle, etc.) by poking and prodding," c.1382, from O.Fr. ponchonner "to punch, prick, stamp," from ponchon "pointed tool, piercing weapon" (see punch (n.1)). Meaning "to stab, puncture" is from c.1440. Specific meaning of "to hit with the fist" first recorded 1530, probably influenced by punish; noun sense of "a blow with the fist" is recorded by 1580. Noun in the figurative sense of "forceful, vigorous quality" is recorded from 1911. To beat (someone) to the punch is from 1923, a metaphor from boxing. Punch line is from 1921; punch-drunk is from 1915. To punch a ticket, etc., is c.1440, probably from a shortening of puncheon "pointed tool," from O.Fr. ponchon.
  punch (n.1) "pointed tool," c.1460, short for puncheon (1367), from O.Fr. ponchon "pointed tool, piercing weapon," from V.L. *punctionem (nom. punctio) "pointed tool," from L. punctus, pp. of pungere "to prick" (see pungent). Meaning "machine for pressing or stamping a die" is from 1628.
  punch (n.2) "mixed drink," 1632, traditionally said to derive from Hindi panch "five," in allusion to the number of original ingredients (spirits, water, lemon juice, sugar, spice), from Skt. panchan-s.
冲压机,冲床;穿孔机v.冲压,穿孔I bundled a bunch of branches and anchored it on the punching bench.我捆起一簇树枝,将它栓在冲压工作台上.
打洞(punch→punct的变体)[point,punct=point,make sharp,表示"点,变尖"]
punch v 打洞(punch=punct的变体)
point,punct= point,make sharp, 表示”点,变尖” pointed a 尖的,成尖状的(point+ed)
pointer n 指针,批示者(point+et=尖的东西=指针)
appoint v 任命,指派(ap加强动作+point=指定某人)
disappoint v 使失望,受挫折(dis不+appoint=不[被]指派=失望)
acupuncture n 针灸(acu尖+punct+ure=用针尖点=针灸)
punctual a 准时的(punct+ual=到点上=准点的)
punctuality n 守时(punctual+ity)
puncture v 穿孔,刺穿(punct+ure=点[进去]=刺穿)
punctilious a 谨小慎微的(punct+ilious=[做事]点滴不漏=小心的)
compunction n 后悔,悔恨(com共同+punct+ion=浑身像针刺一样=悔恨)
punctuate v 加标点(punct+uate=加上点=加标点)
punch v 打洞(punch=punct的变体)
pungent a 刺鼻的,尖锐的(pung[=punct]+ent=尖的=尖锐的)




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