

词汇 closet
词根词缀 词源:
c.1340, from O.Fr. closet "small enclosure," dim. of clos, from L. clausum "closed space," from neut. pp. of claudere "to shut" (see close (v.)). In Matt. vi:6 used to render L. cubiculum, Gk. tamieion; originally in Eng. "a private room for study or prayer;" modern sense of "small side-room for storage" is first recorded 1616. The adjective meaning "secret, unknown" recorded from 1952, first of alcoholism, but by 1970s used principally of homosexuality; the phrase come out of the closet "admit something openly" first recorded 1963, and led to new meanings for the word out.
(壁)橱a.私下的vt.把…引进密室会谈The loser closely enclosed himself in the closet.那个失败者把自己严密地封闭在小室内.
closet n 壁橱,秘室(clos+et小东西=关的小东西=壁橱)
clos, clud, clus=close,表示”关闭” closure n 关闭,停止(clos+ure;close的名词)
closet n 壁橱,秘室(clos+et小东西=关的小东西=壁橱)
disclose v 揭发,泄露(dis打开+close=把关的打开=揭发)
enclose v 包围,围绕(en进入+close=被关起来=包围)
enclosure n 包围,围绕(enclose+ure)
conclude v 结论,终结(con全部+clude=全部关掉=结束)
conclusive a 决定性的,结论性的(conclude+ive)
exclude v 排除,隔绝(ex出+clude=关出去=排除)
exclusive a 排他的,专有的(ex+clus+ive)
exclusionism n 排外主义(ex+clus+ion+ism)
include v 包括(in进入+clude=关进去=包括)
inclusive a 包括在内的(in+clus+ive)
preclude v 预防,杜绝(pre预先+clude=预先关好=预防)
preclusion n 预防,排除(preclude的名词)
recluse n 隐士,遁世者(re返回+cluse=返回[家中]关起来=隐居)
reclusive a 隐居的(recluse+ive)
seclude v 孤立,隐居(se分开+clude=分开关=孤立)
seclusive a 爱隐居的(seclude+sive=seclusive)
occlude v 堵塞,闭塞(oc一再+clude=一再关起来不畅通=堵塞)
occlusion n 堵塞(oc+clus+ion)




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