词汇 | closet |
词根词缀 | 词源: c.1340, from O.Fr. closet "small enclosure," dim. of clos, from L. clausum "closed space," from neut. pp. of claudere "to shut" (see close (v.)). In Matt. vi:6 used to render L. cubiculum, Gk. tamieion; originally in Eng. "a private room for study or prayer;" modern sense of "small side-room for storage" is first recorded 1616. The adjective meaning "secret, unknown" recorded from 1952, first of alcoholism, but by 1970s used principally of homosexuality; the phrase come out of the closet "admit something openly" first recorded 1963, and led to new meanings for the word out. 词根记忆: n. (壁)橱a.私下的vt.把…引进密室会谈The loser closely enclosed himself in the closet.那个失败者把自己严密地封闭在小室内. n. 壁橱;秘室(clos+et小东西→关的小东西→壁橱)[clos,clud,clus=close,表示"关闭"] 词根词缀: closet closet n 壁橱,秘室(clos+et小东西=关的小东西=壁橱) clos, clud, clus=close,表示”关闭” closure n 关闭,停止(clos+ure;close的名词) closet n 壁橱,秘室(clos+et小东西=关的小东西=壁橱) disclose v 揭发,泄露(dis打开+close=把关的打开=揭发) enclose v 包围,围绕(en进入+close=被关起来=包围) enclosure n 包围,围绕(enclose+ure) conclude v 结论,终结(con全部+clude=全部关掉=结束) conclusive a 决定性的,结论性的(conclude+ive) exclude v 排除,隔绝(ex出+clude=关出去=排除) exclusive a 排他的,专有的(ex+clus+ive) exclusionism n 排外主义(ex+clus+ion+ism) include v 包括(in进入+clude=关进去=包括) inclusive a 包括在内的(in+clus+ive) preclude v 预防,杜绝(pre预先+clude=预先关好=预防) preclusion n 预防,排除(preclude的名词) recluse n 隐士,遁世者(re返回+cluse=返回[家中]关起来=隐居) reclusive a 隐居的(recluse+ive) seclude v 孤立,隐居(se分开+clude=分开关=孤立) seclusive a 爱隐居的(seclude+sive=seclusive) occlude v 堵塞,闭塞(oc一再+clude=一再关起来不畅通=堵塞) occlusion n 堵塞(oc+clus+ion) |
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