词汇 | posthumous |
词根词缀 | 词源: 1608, "born after the death of the originator" (author or father), from L.L. posthumus, from L. postumus "last, last-born," superlative of posterus "coming after, subsequent." Altered in L.L. by association with L. humare "to bury," suggesting death; the one born after the father's death obviously being the last. 词根记忆: a. 死死的,遗腹的(post后+hum土,引申为死+ous→死后的)[hum=earth,表示"土,地"] 词根词缀: posthumous posthumous a 死死的,遗腹的(post后+hum土,引申为死+ous=死后的) hum=earth,表示”土,地” humble a 谦恭的,下贱的(hum+ble=接近地面=谦恭的) humility n 谦让,低下(hum+ility状态=地的状态=低下) humiliate v 羞辱,侮辱(hum+iliate使…使人到地上=羞辱别人) humiliation nn 耻辱(humiliate+ion) inhume v 埋葬(in进入+hume=进入土中) exhume v 掘出(ex 出+hume=出土=掘出) posthumous a 死死的,遗腹的(post后+hum土,引申为死+ous=死后的) hummock n 小圆丘(hum+mock圆丘=土丘) human n 人类(传说人是由土造出的) humane a 有人情的,仁爱的(humane+e=有人情的) |
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