词汇 | avenue |
词根词缀 | 词源: c.1600, "a way of approach" (originally a military word), from M.Fr. avenue "way of access," from O.Fr. avenue "act of approaching, arrival," from fem. of avenu, pp. of avenir "to come to, arrive," from L. advenire "to come to," from ad- "to" + venire "to come" (see venue). Meaning shifted to "a way of approach to a country-house," usually bordered by trees, hence, "a broad, tree-lined roadway" (1650s), then to "wide, main street" (1858, esp. in U.S.). 词根记忆: n. 林荫路,大街;(比喻)途径,渠道,方法On Revenue avenue, the grave traveler jumped the gravestone bravely.在税收大道上,严肃的旅行者勇敢地跳过墓碑. n. 大路,道路(让人可以走来走去)[ven,vent=come,表示"来"] 词根词缀: avenue avenue n 大路,道路(让人可以走来走去) uen,uent=come,表示”来” venture v n.冒险,冒险做(vent+ure来到[危险]=冒险) venturesome a 冒险的(venture+some有点…的) adventure n 冒险(ad增强+venture冒险) adenturous a 爱冒险的advent n 到来,出现(ad加强动作+vent=来到) adventitious a 偶然的,不定的(advent来到+itious=[突然]来到的=偶然的) convent n 女修道院(con大家+vent=大家来[修道]=[女]修道院) convention n 集会,惯例(con大家+vent+ion=大家来到=起=集会) conventionality n 老一套,习俗(convention习俗+ality性质) event n 事件(e出+vent=出来的事=事件) eventful a 变故多的(event+ful=事件多=多变故的) eventual a 最终的(event事件+ual=出事[之后]=最终的) eventuality n 不测事件(eventual+ity) invent v 发明,创造(in进+vent=走进来=发明出) inventive a 有创造能力的(invent+ive) prevent v 防止,阻止(pre预先+vent=预先来到=抢先一步,防止别人) preventive a 预防性的convene v 召集,召唤(con全部+ven+e=来到一起=召集) convenience n 方便,便利(con全部+ven来+ience=全部能来没有障碍=方便) revenue n 收入,岁入(re回+ven+ue=回来的东西=收入) avenue n 大路,道路(让人可以走来走去) vcontravene v 违反(contra+en+e=反着来=违反) covenant n 协议,契约(co共同+ven+ant=共同走来=协议) intervene v 干涉,介入(inter中间+ven+e=走到中间来=干涉) inventory n 清单,财产目录(in进+vent+ory=进来的[全部财产]清单) |
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