

词汇 consider
词根词缀 词源:
late 14c., from O.Fr. considerer, from L. considerare "to look at closely, observe," lit. "to observe the stars," from com- "with" + sidus (gen. sideris) "constellation." Perhaps a metaphor from navigation, but more likely reflecting Roman obsession with divination by astrology. Tucker doubts the connection with sidus, however, since it is "quite inapplicable to desiderare," and suggests derivation instead from the root of Eng. side meaning "stretch, extend," and a sense for the full word of "survey on all sides" or "dwell long upon."
考虑,细想;体谅,顾及;认为,把…看作Besides this side, I considered both the inside and outside.除了这一面外我还考虑了内外两面.
consider v 考虑(con共同+sider坐=坐在一起思考=考虑)
sid=sit,表示”坐” dissidence n 意见不同(dis分开+sid+ence=分开坐=意见不同)
dissident a 持不同意见的(dis+sid+ent)
reside v 居住(re再+side=再坐[之地]=居住)
residence n 居住,住宅(reside+ence)
preside v 主持(pre前面+side=在前面坐=主持)
president n 总统,校长(pre+sid+ent人=有前面坐的人=总统)
presidium n 主席团(preside+ium表示地方或团体=前面坐的团体)
subside v 沉淀,平息(sub下+side=坐下去=沉淀)
subsidiary a 补助的(sub下+sid+iary=坐在下面[帮助别人]=补助的)
subsidy n 补助金(sub+sid+y)
consider v 考虑(con共同+sider坐=坐在一起思考=考虑)
considerate a 考虑周到的(consider+ate)
insidious a 阴险的(in内+sid+ious=坐在内部的[坏人]=阴险的)
residue n 残余,余渣(re回+sidue=[不能用]重新坐回来=残余)
assiduous a 勤勉的,刻苦的(as一再+sid+uous=一再坐着[学习]=勤勉的)
sedate a 文静的(sed[=sid]+ate=坐着的=文静的)
sedulous a 勤勉的(sed+ulous多…的=坐得多的=勤勉的)
supersede v 代替,取代(super在上面+sede=坐到上面去=取代)
sedentary a 坐着的,久坐的(sed+ent+ary=坐着的)
considerate a 考虑周到的(consider考虑)
-ate (1)
表动词,”做,造成” differentiate v 区别,分比(different不同)
liquidate v 清洗,结清(liquid液体…用液体清洗)
infiltrate v 渗透(in+filtr过滤+ate )
remonstrate v 抗议(re反+monstr显示+ate)
frustrate v 挫败(frustr犯错误+ate)
attenuate v 变薄,变弱(at+tenu薄,细+ate,参考:tenuous纤细的)
表形容词,”具有…的” collegiate a 大学的(college学院)
considerate a 考虑周到的(consider考虑)
moderate a 有节制的(moder模,规矩)
regenerate a 改过自新的(re 再+gener产生)
inveterate a 积习难改的(in进入+veter老,旧_成为老东西)
innate a “生来的,天赋的(in 在…内+nate出生)
”effeminate a 柔弱的(ef+femin女人)
inanimate a 无生命的(in无+anim生命)
illegitimate a 不合法的,私生的(il不+legitim合法)
表名词,”人或地位” graduate n 毕业生(gradu等级)
delegate n 代表(de+leg选+ate…选出来的人 …代表)
candidate n 候选人(cand白,古代候选人穿白袍)
advocate n 拥护者(ad+voc声音+ate)
surrogate n 代理人,代替品(sur下面+rog要求…要求做下去…代理)
celibate n 独身者(celib不结婚)
reprobate n 堕落者(re不+prob正直,参考:probity刚直)
doctorate n 博士学位(doctor博士)
electorate n 全体选民(elect选举)
consider 考虑(研究星象引申而来)
sider=star (星星)
sidereal 星星的,星空的consider 考虑(研究星象引申而来)




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