c.1200, mycrocossmos (modern form from early 15c.), "human nature, man viewed as the epitome of creation," literally "miniature world," from Middle French microcosme and in earliest use directly from Medieval Latin microcosmus, from Greek mikros "small" (see mica) + kosmos "world" (see cosmos). General sense of "a community constituting a world unto itself" is attested from 1560s. Related: Microcosmic. A native expression in the same sense was petty world (c.1600).
〔李〕[micro-=very small 微小的;cosm=world 世界⇒“avery small world 微小的世界”→] n. a little world;universe in miniature 微观世界;微观宇宙
〔李〕[micro-;cosm] n.微观世界; 微观宇宙 ←cosm (GK cosmos)=world, universe 世界,宇宙
〔蒋〕[micro微,小,cosm世界;’小世界”] 微观世界