

词汇 pseudo-
Online Etymology Dictionary

pseudo- pseud-
  1. False; deceptive; sham:
  2. Apparently similar:

  1. Greek
  2. from pseudēs [false]
    源自 pseudēs [假的]
  3. from pseudein [to lie]
    源自 pseudein [撒谎]
pseudo- or (sometimes before a vowel) pseud-

combining form

false, pretending, or unauthentic
having a close resemblance to


from Greek pseudēs false, from pseudein to lie


= false, pretended, artificial, fake, phoney or phony, mock, imitation, bogus, sham, counterfeit, spurious, ersatz, not genuine, quasi-,
often before vowels pseud-, word-forming element meaning "false; feigned; erroneous; in appearance only; resembling," from Greek pseudo-, comb. form of pseudes "false, lying; falsely; deceived," or pseudos "falsehood, untruth, a lie," both from pseudein "to deceive, cheat by lies."
Productive in compound formation in ancient Greek (such as pseudodidaskalos "false teacher," pseudokyon "a sham cynic," pseudologia "a false speech," pseudoparthenos "pretended virgin"), it began to be used with native words in Middle English.
pseudo- /ˈsju:dəʊ/ combining form. Before a vowel also pseud-.
ORIGIN: Greek, from pseudēs false, from pseudos falsehood: see -o-.
Used in words adopted from Greek and in English words modelled on these, and as a freely productive prefix, with the senses (a) ‘supposed or purporting to be but not really so, false, not genuine’, as pseudo-intellectual, pseudology; (b) ‘resembling, imitating’ (freq. in technical applications), as pseudo-acid, pseudo-language, pseudo-paralysis.
 DERIVATIVE pseudaesˈthesia noun (Medicine) sensation in skin or muscles without an external stimulus, as phantom pain in an amputated limb M19.
pseuˈdandry noun [Greek andr-, anēr man] the use by a woman of a male pseudonym E20.
pseudaposeˈmatic adjective (Zoology) of or pertaining to mimicry by a harmless organism of (esp. the warning coloration of) a harmful one L19.
pseudarˈthrosis noun, pl. -oses, Medicine (the formation of) a false joint, formed around the end of a displaced or fractured bone M19.
pseuˈdergate noun [Greek ergatēs worker] Entomology a wingless nymph of some termites which functions in the colony as a worker M20.
pseudoˈallele noun (Genetics) each of two or more mutations that affect different loci within a single cistron M20.
pseudoaˈllelic adjective behaving as or consisting of pseudoalleles M20.
pseudo-arˈchaic adjective appearing or purporting to be ancient, but not really so; artificially archaic in style, language, etc.: L19.
pseudobedding noun & adjective (Geology) (a structure) resembling the bedding of sediments, esp. as produced in an igneous rock by parallel fractures M19.
pseudoˈbreccia noun (Geology) a limestone in which partial and irregular dolomitization has produced a texture similar to that of a breccia E20.
pseudobulb noun (Botany) a bulblike enlargement of the stem in many (esp. tropical and epiphytic) orchids M19.
pseudoˈbulbous adjective (Botany) of the nature of or having a pseudobulb M19.
pseudocarp noun (Botany) a type of fruit, e.g. in the apple and the strawberry, which is formed by the ripened ovary combining with other parts of the flower etc., esp. the modified and enlarged receptacle M19.
pseudo-ˈcatholic adjective & noun (a) adjective falsely or erroneously called or claiming to be catholic; (b) noun a pseudo-catholic person: E17.
pseudocholiˈnesterase noun (Biochemistry) a cholinesterase present in the blood and certain organs which acts more slowly and has a broader effect than acetylcholinesterase M20.
pseudo-Christ noun a false Christ; a person pretending to be the Christ or Messiah: LME.
pseudo-ˈChristian noun & adjective (a) noun a person falsely or erroneously called or claiming to be a Christian; (b) adjective of or pertaining to pseudo-Christians or pseudo-Christianity: L16.
pseudo-Christiˈanity noun false or spurious Christianity; the practice or beliefs of pseudo-Christians: L17.
pseudo-ˈclassical adjective of, pertaining to, or characteristic of pseudo-classicism L19.
pseudo-ˈclassicism noun false or spurious classical style, sham classicism L19.
pseudo-cleft adjective & noun (Grammar) (a) adjective resembling a cleft sentence conveying emphasis through the use of a relative clause (as what we want is — from we want —); (b) noun a pseudo-cleft sentence: M20.
pseudocode noun (Computing) a notation resembling a simplified programming language, used in program design M20.
pseudocoel /-si:l/, pseudoˈcoelom nouns (Zoology) a body cavity which is not part of the true coelom; esp. in certain invertebrates (as nematodes), one derived from the blastocoel of the embryo L19.
pseudoˈcoelomate adjective & noun (an animal) having a pseudocoel M20.
pseudo-concept noun (Philosophy) a notion treated as a concept though it cannot be properly conceptualized or grasped by the mind M19.
pseudocopuˈlation noun (Biology) an act resembling copulation; esp. attempted copulation by a male insect with a flower resembling the female, so pollinating it M20.
pseudocrisis noun (Medicine, now rare) a temporary lowering of temperature during a fever L19.
pseudocroup noun (Medicine) spasmodic contraction of the larynx without coughing or inflammation M19.
pseudoˈcubic, pseudoˈcubical adjectives (Crystallography) of, pertaining to, or designating a composite crystal of lower symmetry simulating a simple one of the cubic system L19.
pseudoˈcumene noun (Chemistry) an isomer of cumene, C6H3(CH3)3, 1,2,5-trimethylbenzene, present in coal tar L19.
pseudocyesis /-sʌɪˈi:sɪs/ noun [Greek kuēsis conception] Medicine & Zoology = pseudopregnancy M19.
pseudocyst noun (Medicine & Biology) (a) a fluid-filled cystlike cavity lacking a wall or lining; (b) a layer of host tissue round certain tapeworm cysts; (c) a cluster formed in a host cell by certain protozoan pathogens, esp. those of toxoplasmosis and Chagas' disease: L19.
pseudoˈdiploid adjective (Genetics) designating or having a chromosome complement differing from the normal diploid complement in constitution but not in number E20.
pseudoˈdipteral adjective (Architecture) having a single peristyle arranged like the outer row in a double peristyle E19.
pseudodox noun [Greek doxa opinion] a false or erroneous opinion E17.
pseudodoxy noun the holding of false or erroneous opinions; an instance of this: M17.
pseudo-entity noun (Philosophy) something falsely called or regarded as an entity L19.
pseudoˈephedrine noun (Pharmacology) a sympathomimetic drug obtained from plants of the genus Ephedra (or prepared synthetically) and used as a nasal decongestant L19.
pseudo-event noun (orig. US) an event arranged or brought about merely for the sake of the publicity generated M20.
pseudoexˈtinction noun (Palaeontology) extinction of a group with survival of modified descendant forms L20.
pseudofaeces noun pl. (Zoology) a mixture of mucus and particles from the water that collects in the mantle cavity of a mollusc and is expelled without passing through the gut M20.
pseudoˈfovea noun (Ophthalmology) a point of increased sensitivity on the retina other than the fovea, as in a squinting eye M20.
pseudofracture noun (Medicine) a bone defect that radiographically resembles a narrow fracture M20.
pseuˈdogamous adjective of, pertaining to, or exhibiting pseudogamy M20.
pseuˈdogamy noun (Botany) in an apomictic plant, development of an embryo stimulated by pollination but without fertilization E20.
pseudogene noun (Genetics) a section of a chromosome that is an imperfect copy of a functional gene L20.
pseudogley noun (Soil Science) a gley resulting from temporary or seasonal surface waterlogging, rather than a permanently high water-table M20.
pseudo-ˈGothic noun & adjective (a) noun a style of architecture, literature, etc., purporting or mistakenly held to be Gothic; (b) adjective of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the pseudo-Gothic: L19.
pseudogout noun (Medicine) a disorder resembling gout but produced by deposition of calcium pyrophosphate crystals in a joint, esp. the knee M20.
pseudoˈhalide noun (Chemistry) a compound, ion, or radical formed by a pseudohalogen E20.
pseudo-halluciˈnation noun (Psychology) a vivid sensory experience resembling an auditory or visual hallucination but recognized as subjective by the person concerned L19.
pseudoˈhalogen noun (Chemistry) any of a class of simple compounds of electronegative elements, resembling the halogens E20.
pseudoheˈxagonal adjective (Crystallography) of, pertaining to, or designating a composite crystal of lower than hexagonal symmetry simulating a simple one of the hexagonal system L19.
pseudohypertrophic /-ˈtrəʊfɪk, -ˈtrɒfɪk/ adjective (Medicine) involving pseudohypertrophy; esp. designating a form of muscular dystrophy (Duchenne's): L19.
pseudohyˈpertrophy noun (Medicine) enlargement of an atrophying organ by replacement of its tissue with excess fat or connective tissue L19.
pseudohypoparaˈthyroidism noun (Medicine) a familial developmental disorder resembling hypoparathyroidism, caused by insensitivity to rather than deficiency of parathyroid hormone M20.
pseudo-instruction noun (Computing) an instruction that controls a compiler or assembler rather than generating a machine instruction M20.
pseudokarst noun (Physical Geography) topography like karst but in ground other than limestone M20.
pseudoˈleucite noun (Mineralogy) a mixture of orthoclase and nepheline formed by alteration of leucite L19.
pseudoˈmalachite noun (Mineralogy) a monoclinic hydrated basic copper phosphate occurring in green amorphous masses resembling malachite M19.
pseudomembrane noun (Medicine) a layer of exudate, esp. on the mucosa or conjunctiva, resembling a membrane M19.
pseudoˈmembranous adjective (Medicine) characterized by a pseudomembrane L19.
pseudoneuˈrotic adjective (Psychiatry) of or designating types of psychosis, esp. schizophrenia, involving symptoms of neurosis M20.
pseudo-operation noun (Computing) = pseudo-instruction M20.
pseudopatient noun a person, esp. a researcher, who pretends to have the signs, symptoms, and history of a medical case in order to gain admission to a hospital as a patient L20.
pseudoˈplastic adjective & noun (a liquid) that is non-Newtonian, esp. in having a viscosity that decreases with increasing shearing stress E20.
pseudoplasˈticity noun the phenomenon or condition of being pseudoplastic M20.
pseudopoˈtential noun (Physics) a potential distribution assumed for the purposes of calculation as an approximation to the actual potential M20.
pseudoprime noun (Math.) an integer p such that ap - a is a multiple of p for a given positive integer a or (in full absolute pseudoprime) for all positive integers L20.
pseudo-problem noun a problem which is unreal either because it has no possible solution or because there exists a confusion in the formulation of it E20.
pseudoˈprophet noun a false prophet; a person who falsely pretends to be a prophet, or who prophesies falsely: LME.
pseudo-proposition noun (Philosophy) an apparent proposition which is unreal because it does not have intelligible meaning L19.
pseudopseudoˌhypoparaˈthyroidism noun (Medicine) a disorder in which the developmental abnormalities of pseudohypoparathyroidism are present without the biochemical abnormalities M20.
pseudorabies noun (Veterinary Medicine) an infectious herpesvirus disease of the central nervous system in domestic animals that causes intense itching, convulsions, and usu. death L19.
pseudoˈracemate noun (Chemistry) a pseudoracemic substance E20.
pseudoraˈcemic adjective (Chemistry) consisting of intergrown crystals of different optical isomers L19.
pseudoˈrandom adjective (Math.) satisfying one or more statistical tests for randomness but produced by a definite mathematical procedure M20.
pseudoˈrandomly adverb in a pseudorandom manner M20.
pseudo-ˈrational adjective assumed to be, or treated as, rational although beyond experience or proof E20.
pseudo-ˈrationalism noun a theory or system based on pseudo-rational arguments or assumptions M20.
pseudo-ˈrationalist noun an adherent of pseudo-rationalism M20.
pseudoscience noun a pretended or spurious science; a collection of beliefs about the world mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method or as having the status of scientific truths: M19.
pseudoscienˈtific adjective of, pertaining to, or characteristic of pseudoscience L19.
pseudoscientist noun an adherent or practitioner of pseudoscience; a person who falsely or mistakenly claims to be or is regarded as a scientist: M20.
pseudoscorpion noun (Zoology) any of various small arachnids of the order Pseudoscorpiones, resembling a scorpion but tailless, and found in soil, leaf litter, bark, etc. M19.
pseudoseizure noun (Medicine) an attack resembling an epileptic fit but either feigned or due to emotional disturbance L20.
pseudoseˈmatic adjective (Zoology) = mimetic 4a L19.
pseudosex noun (a) pseudosexual activity; (b) perverted sexual activity: M20.
pseudoˈsexual adjective (a) Zoology designating or pertaining to the parthenogenetic production by certain crustaceans of eggs resembling those of the sexual phase; (b) Zoology & Psychology designating sexual behaviour motivated by fear of aggression, desire for dominance, etc., (freq. in overcrowded conditions) rather than by genuinely sexual aims: E20.
pseudosolariˈzation noun solarization involving the Sabatier effect L19.
pseudosoph noun (rare) [Greek sophos wise] a person who falsely affects, or supposes himself or herself, to be wise; a pretender to wisdom: M19.
pseudo-statement noun (Philosophy) an expression that does not refer or correspond to an objective fact, but is used for its subjective effect on the hearer or reader E20.
pseudostem noun the apparent trunk of a banana plant or related plant, which consists of leaf bases closely packed around a stem L19.
pseudostome noun a false mouth; spec. in Zoology, a false osculum arising from folding in a complex sponge: L19.
pseudostratifiˈcation noun (Geology) = pseudobedding L19.
pseudoˈstratified adjective (a) Geology of or exhibiting pseudostratification; (b) Biology designating epithelium composed of a single layer of columnar cells with nuclei at varying distances from the basal lamina, giving the appearance of several layers: L19.
pseudoˈsymmetry noun (Mineralogy) apparent symmetry produced by the combination (e.g. twinning) of crystals with different symmetries L19.
pseudotubercuˈlosis noun (Veterinary Medicine) any of several bacterial diseases resembling tuberculosis that occur chiefly in birds, rodents, and other mammals, esp. sheep, and are caused by pasteurellae or corynebacteria L19.
pseudoˈuracil noun (Biochemistry) the uracil residue in pseudouridine M20.
pseudoˈuridine noun (Biochemistry) a nucleoside, 5-ribosyluracil, found in transfer RNA and differing from uridine in having the sugar residue attached at a carbon, not a nitrogen, atom M20.
— see pseud-

  • pseud- (found before vowels, as in pseudepigraphic)
  • (General American) IPA: /ˈsuːdoʊ/
  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA: /ˈsjuːdəʊ/, /ˈsuːdəʊ/
  • Prefix

    1. false, not genuine, fake


    From Ancient Greek ψευδής (pseudḗs, “false, lying”).

    Derived terms

    English words prefixed with pseudo-

    See also

  • sudo, pseudo
  • 前缀:pseudo- 假(在元音前作pseud-)

    pseudo-democratic 假民主的

    pseudoclassic 伪古典的

    pseudomyopia 假性近视

    pseudoscience 伪科学

    pseudopregnancy 假孕

    pseudonym 假名,笔名

    pseudocrystal 伪晶体

    pseudology 谎话

    pscudocompound 假化合物

    pseudograph 伪书,冒名作品





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