a combining form representing scapula, in compound words:
Also, especially before a vowel, scapul-.
Related Word
- scapulohumeral
1899 Allbutt's Syst. Med. VI. 865*Scapulo-brachial or 3rd dorsal area... *Scapulo-axillary or 5th dorsal area.
1858 H. Gray Anat. 158*Scapulo-Clavicular Articulation. The Scapulo-Clavicular is an arthrodial joint, formed between the outer extremity of the clavicle, and the upper edge of the acromian process of the scapula.
1854 Owen in Orr'sCirc. Sci. ,Org. Nat. I. 210The *scapulo-coracoid arch. .is applied..over the anterior thoracic hæmal arches.
1870 Flower in Jrnl. Anat. May 242Superior border, anterior in most animals, with scapulo-coracoid notch.
1866 Flint Princ. Med. 835Valleix entitles the affection here situated *scapulodynia.
1840 E. Wilson Anat. Vade M. (1842) 114The *scapulo-humeral articulation is an enarthrosis.
1899 Syd. Soc. Lex. ,*Scapulo-radial... *Scapulo-ulnar... *Scapulo-vertebral.
combining form
see scapul-
see scapul-
Part or all of this entry has been imported from the 1913 edition of Webster’s Dictionary, which is now free of copyright and hence in the public domain. The imported definitions may be significantly out of date, and any more recent senses may be completely missing.
- anatomy scapula