early 15c., from Old French rejecter and directly from Latin reiectus, past participle of reiectare "throw away, cast away, vomit," frequentative of reicere "to throw back," from re- "back" (see re-) + -icere, comb. form of iacere "to throw" (see jet, v.). Related: Rejected; rejecting.
1550s, "a castaway" (rare), from reject, v.. Modern use probably a re-formation of the same word: "thing cast aside as unsatisfactory" (1893); "person considered low-quality and worthless" (1925, from use in militaries).
〔李〕[re-=back 回;ject=to throw 抛 →] v. ①throw back or send away 抛弃;丢掉
〔蒋〕[re-回,反,ject掷;’掷回”→不接受] 拒绝,抵制,驳回
〔李〕[re-=back回;ject=to throw投→“to throw back something given or unneeded抛回所给的或不需要的东西”→] v.① refuse to accept拒受,抵制