"belief that God and the universe are identical," from pantheist (n.), which was coined (1705) by Irish deist John Toland (1670-1722), from Greek pan- "all" (see pan-) + theos "god" (see theo-).Toland's word was borrowed into French, which from it formed panthéisme (1712) which returned to English as pantheism "the doctrine that all is god" in 1732 (no evidence that Toland used pantheism).Greek pantheios meant "common to all gods" (see pantheon). Other words used at various times for similar notions include panentheism, "philosophy founded on the notion that all things are in God" (1874), from German (1828), coined by Karl Christian Friedrich Krause (1781-1832).
〔李〕[pan-;the;-ismn.] n.泛神论; 对一切神道的崇拜 ←the (GK theos)=god 神
〔李〕n.[哲] 泛神论 [the=god] ←pan-[GK] =all全,总,泛