1840 Whewell Phil. Induct.Sci. I. 466Leaves may be called pinnatifid, pinnatipartite, pinnatisect, pinnatilobate, palmatifid, palmatipartite.
1857 Mayne Expos. Lex. ,Palmatifid,..palmatiform,..palmatilobate,..palmatipartite,..palmatisected.
1870 Bentley Man. Bot. 155When there are more than 5 lobes, the leaf is palmatifid or palmately⁓cleft.
1872 Oliver Elem. Bot. i. vii. 76If the segments be separated nearly to the petiole, the leaf is palmatipartite.
1882 Vines Sachs'Bot. 416Lamina being usually pinnatifid, but sometimes palmatifid.
combining form
see palmat-
see palmat-
【来源及含义】Latin: marked with the palm of the hand; adorned with palm leaves; used primarily in the sense of "having five lobes that diverge from a common center" [as fingers from an open palm]
【同源单词】fassipalmate, palmate, palmature, semipalmate, semipalmated, totipalmate