Word Origin
a combining form meaning “rough,” used in the formation of compound words:
combining form representing Greek trāchýs
Related Words
- trachybasalt
- trachycarpous
- trachyspermous
1860 Mayne Expos. Lex. ,Trachycarpus, having rough fruit,..*trachycarpous.
1900 in B. D. Jackson Gloss. Bot. Terms.
1909 Cent. Dict. Suppl. ,*Trachychromatic.
1891 Cent. Dict. ,*Trachyglossate.
1890 Q. Jrnl. Microsc. Sc. Feb. 511No *Trachymedusan has been observed to pass through a hydroid phase.
1888 Rolleston & Jackson Anim. Life 751In the family Aglauridæ, the Petasid sub-family Petachnidæ, and the *Trachynemid Pectyllidæ.
1848 Smart, *Trachynotes, rough-backed creatures— the generic name of a division of fossil fishes.
1860 Mayne Expos. Lex. ,*Trachyphonia, term for a rough voice.
1891 Cent. Dict. ,*Trachypteroid.
Ibid. ,*Trachyspermous.
1900 in B. D. Jackson Gloss. Bot. Terms.
1888 Cassell's Encycl. Dict. ,Trachybasalt, Trachydolerite.
1897 H. S. Washington Jrnl. Geol. (U.S. ) May–June 351For those intermediate effusive rocks in which the plagioclase occurring along with orthoclase is acid..the name trachyandesite, which is in use in France, will be reserved.
Ibid. ,The intermediate potash-rich rocks..carry basic plagioclase-labradorite to anorthite—along with orthoclase, and such rocks will be called collectively in this paper by the name of trachydolerite,..proposed by Abich as far back as 1841.
1909 Cent. Dict. Suppl. ,Trachyrhyolite.
ORIGIN: In sense 1 directly from Greek trakhus rough; in sense 2 from trachyte .
combining form
Etymology: in sense 1, from New Latin, from Greek, from trachys rough, harsh; in sense 2, from French, from trachyte — more at trachea
1. : rough : strong
< trachyglossate >
< trachychromatic >
2. : trachytic
< trachydolerite >
< trachyandesite >
< trachyglossate >
< trachychromatic >
< trachydolerite >
< trachyandesite >