c.1200, "that which is vain, futile, or worthless," from Old French vanite "self-conceit; futility; lack of resolve" (12c.), from Latin vanitatem (nominative vanitas) "emptiness, aimlessness; falsity," figuratively "vainglory, foolish pride," from vanus "empty, vain, idle" (see vain). Meaning "self-conceited" in English is attested from mid-14c. Vanity table is attested from 1936. Vanity Fair is from "Pilgrim's Progress" (1678).
〔李〕[van;-ityn.] n.虚夸; 自负; 空虚 ←vac,van (L vacare,vanus)=to be empty 空
〔蒋〕[van空,-ity名词后缀] 空虚,虚夸,虚荣心