mid-14c., "loftiness of thought or purpose," from Old French magnanimité "high-mindedness, generosity of spirit," from Latin magnanimitatem (nominative magnanimitas) "greatness of soul, high-mindedness," from magnanimus "having a great soul," from magnus "great" (see magnate) + animus "mind, soul, spirit" (see animus). Probably a loan-translation of Greek megalopsykhos "high-souled, generous" (Aristotle) or megathymus "great-hearted."
〔蒋〕[magn(i)大,-ity名词后缀] 大度,宽宏大量
〔李〕[magn=great大;anim=spirit精神;-ity n.=the quality表性质→“the greatness of spirit or mind精神上的大度”→] n. the spirit of being unusually generous, or generosity宽宏大量