Word Origin
a suffix, equivalent in meaning to -ic, occurring in adjectives of Greek origin (analytic), used especially in the formation of adjectives from nouns with stems in -sis: hematotic; neurotic.
< Greek -tikos, extracted from adjectives derived with -ikos -ic from agent nouns ending in -tēs; cf. hieratic
Related Words
- -otic
- acoustic
- algetic
- anabatic
- analeptic
- antipyrotic
后缀:-tic [形容词后缀]
Asiatic 亚洲的,属于亚洲的
dramatic 戏剧(性)的
romantic 浪漫的,传奇的
paraphrastic 意译的
cinematic 电影的
schematic 纲要的
asthmatic 患哮喘病的
operatic 歌剧的