silico-variant of silic-, before consonants.
1851–4 Tomlinson's Cycl. Useful Arts (1866) I. 783/1Charcoal in excess in a mixture of *silico-alkaline glass, gives a yellow colour.
1875 Fortnum Maiolica i. 4The vitreous silico-alcaline or glass glazed wares.
1849 Dana Geol. viii. (1850) 439They owe their a *silico-ferruginous solution.
1827 F. Lunn in Encycl. Metrop. IV. 656/1The compounds of silicon and boron, being also Acids, be called *silico-fluoric and boro-fluoric Acids. [ should]
1868 Fownes' Chem. (ed. 10) 368Silicofluoric acid gives a white precipitate with barium salts.
1842 J. B. Fraser Mesopot. & Assyria xv. 344Gray or blueish sandstone, containing red nodules of a *silico-magnesian substance.
1885 Encycl. Brit. XIX. 849/2*Silico-skeletal Radiolaria in which the central capsule is uniformly perforated all over by fine pore-canals.
1849 Dana Geol. xvii. (1850) 622The *silico-talcose rocks..project in jagged points.
1868 Watts Dict. Chem. V. 266*Silico-aluminates, -borates.
1868 Philos. Mag. Ser. iv. XXXV. 40The exclusive occurrence of the hard nodules of *silicoborocalcite in anhydrite.
1911 V. A. Kroll in Jrnl. Iron & SteelInst. LXXXIV. 126These crystals, which are of a beautiful dichroic-blue colour, will be distinguished in the present paper by the name *Silico-Carnotite.
1949 Mineral. Mag. XXVIII. 496Silicocarnotite is found in basic slags rich in phosphorus.
1971 Tschermaks Mineral. undPetrogr. Mitteilungen XVI. 19The nature of the PO4/SiO4 substitution in silicocarnotite should be resolved by collecting X-ray intensity data from a crystal known to be free from impurities.
1827 F. Lunn in Encycl. Metrop. IV. 656/1The *silico-fluates of potash, soda, lime, and barytes are formed . [ etc.]
1836–41 Brande Chem. (ed. 5) 1031A total condensation ensues, and a dry silico-fluate of ammonia results.
Ibid. 1032*Silico-fluoride of barium is gradually precipitated when silico-fluoric acid is mixed with chloride of barium.
1869 Roscoe Chem. 147A compound of this substance with..potassium silico-fluoride.
1895 E. L. Rhead Metallurgy ix. 112Siliconeisen and *silico-manganese are irons containing silicon, or silicon and manganese... They are employed in steel manufacture.
1941 Trans. Amer. Soc. Mech. Engineers LXIII. 367/2Both high-manganese and silicomanganese steels equal the chrome-vanadium steel tested and may have commercial advantages.
1956 W. D. Hargreaves in D. L. Linton Sheffield 280The city therefore uses quite large tonnages of pig-iron and of alloying metals..such as..silico-manganese.
1881 Jrnl. Chem. Soc. XL. 880Ammonium *silico-molybdate is obtained in small yellow octahedrons, by mixing nitric acid solutions of ammonium molybdate and an alkaline silicate.
1928 J. H. Yoe PhotometricChem. Analysis I. xxxi. 366Silicates and phosphates form yellow silico- and phosphomolybdates with ammonium molybdate in acid solution. On treatment with sodium sulfite the silico- and phosphomolybdates give a blue reduction product.
1973 E. G. Rochow in J. C. Bailar et al. ComprehensiveInorg. Chem. I. xv. 1466Silicon is one of 36 elements which have been reported as central atoms of heteropoly acid aggregates (borotungstates, phosphovanadates, silicomolybdates, etc.).
1871 Jrnl. Chem. Soc. XXIV. 157 (heading)A few remarks on the yellow precipitate containing *silico⁓molybdic acid.
1956 Nature 3 Mar. 435/1 Analysis was carried out by measuring absorptiometrically the colour produced by the reduction of the silico-molybdic acid complex with ascorbic acid.
1927 Jrnl. Agric. Sci. XVII. 143Stead..concluded that the most soluble phosphate was a *silico-phosphate represented by 5CaO.P2O5.SiO2.
1963 C. R. Cowell et al. Inlays, Crowns, & Bridges vii. 77A fine-grain silicophosphate cement of the appropriate shade is most suitable for cementation because it possesses some degree of translucency.
1868 Watts Dict. Chem. V. 263Mosandrite is a hydrated *silicotitanate.
ORIGIN: from silica or silicon : see -o- .
— see silic-
— see silic-
- chemistry silicon