holo- 或 hol-
- Whole; entire; entirely:
- Greek
希腊语 - from holos [whole] * see sol-
源自 holos [全部] *参见 sol-
holo- or (before a vowel) hol-
combining form
whole or wholly
from Greek holosholo-
Word Origin
a combining form meaning “whole,” “entire,” used in the formation of compound words:
< Greek, combining form of hólos
Related Words
- holothurian
- catholic
- hol-
- holoblastic
- holocarpic
- holocaust
holo-a word element meaning 'whole' or 'entire', as in holocaust.
[Greek, combining form of holos]holo-
⇨ see hol-
⇨ see hol-
combining form
- whole; complete整个; 全部:
from Greek holos 'whole'.
1683 Salmon DoronMed. i. 38*Holagogues, or Panchymagogues.
1854 Mayne Expos. Lex. ,Holagogus,..applied to medicines that evacuate or empty; holagogue.
Ibid. ,Holarthriticus, of or belonging to Holarthritis; *holarthritic.
1876 T. Le M. Douse Grimm's L. §7. 11 note,I shall venture, for brevity, to call the primitive undivided Indo-European people the ‘Holethnos’..whence the adjective ‘*Holethnic’ by correct derivation.
1890 Athenæum 7 June 733/1 The germ from which the Aryan ‘holethnic’ language was developed.
1902 H. A. Miers Mineral. i. i. 45When an axis of n-fold symmetry is perpendicular to n digonal axes and there is no other element of symmetry, the crystal may be called ‘*holoaxial’, since it possesses all the symmetry-axes compatible with each other, and only axes.
1903 H. Hilton Math. Crystallogr. v. 52In this chapter we shall investigate those finite groups of the first sort—also called holoaxial groups—which contain only 2-al, 3-al, 4-al, and 6-al rotation-axes.
1961 Terpstra & Codd Crystallometry iv. 129Crystals are divided according to their true symmetry into 32 crystal classes. Of these 32 classes, 11 have symmetry elements consisting exclusively of symmetry axes: these are called the eleven holoaxial classes.
a1641 Bp. R. Montagu Acts & Mon. (1642) 399These hypocrites were not onely Hemerobaptists, but Horabaptists, and *Holobaptists, washing..almost every houre in the day, if not their whole body, yet some parts of the body.
[ 1900B. D. Jackson Gloss. Bot. Terms 124/2*Holobasid, an undivided basidium in Basidiomycetes (Van Tieghem). ]
1928 Holobasidium . [ see autobasidium]
1970 J. Webster Introd. Fungi 279In the toadstools and their allies the basidium is a single cylindrical cell, undivided by septa, typically bearing four basidiospores at its apex... Such basidia are termed holobasidia.
1902 Encycl. Brit. XXXIII. 935/2Another hindrance to the extension of many deep-sea species is that they are *holobenthic.
1885 Syd. Soc. Lex. ,*Holobranchiate.
1854 Mayne Expos. Lex. ,*Holobranchious.
1916 B. D. Jackson Gloss. Bot. Terms (ed. 3) 181/2*Holocarpic.
1928 C. W. Dodge tr. Gäumann'sCompar. Morphol. Fungi iii. 12In the holocarpic forms, gametangial copulation naturally leads to the fusion of whole individuals.
1930 H. M. Fitzpatrick Lower Fungi ii. 24In some of the lower families the entire thallus is transformed at maturity into a single reproductive organ (Olpidiaceae) or group (sorus) of them (Synchytriaceae). In such cases the organism is said to be holocarpic. [ of Phycomycetes]
1970 J. Webster Introd. Fungi 62In the Lagenidiales..the thallus is holocarpic.
1934 Webster, *Holocephalan adj. &n.
1942 L. H. Hyman Compar. Vertebr. Anat. (ed. 2) iv. 40The chimaeras or holocephalans are peculiar-looking fish.
1934 Webster, *Holocephalian adj. &n.
1965 Gen. &Compar. Endocrinol. V. 434/2The ratfish or chimera is a holocephalian.
1970 Nature 11 July 187/2 A holocephalian elasmobranch fish, Hycholagus collei.
1886 Athenæum 12 June 782/2 Callorhynchus..is the southern representative of the northern ‘*holocephalous’ Chimæra.
1905 Gould Dict. NewMed. Terms 296/1*Holocrine, applied to a gland the cell of which, after having elaborated the material of secretion, falls into disuse and disappears.
1928 E. V. Cowdry SpecialCytol. I. ii. 36In the sebaceous glands the secretory products are elaborated by the fatty metamorphosis, destruction and discharge of the cells themselves. These are the ‘holocrine’ glands of Ranvier.
1939 V. B. Wigglesworth Princ. InsectPhysiol. xi. 264In Orthoptera, secretion is merocrine during continuous small meals, holocrine when a meal follows a period of fasting.
1949 Gray's Anat. (ed. 30) 1254As the sebaceous glands produce their secretion by complete fatty degeneration of their central cells they are classed as holocrine glands.
1961 E. H. Mercer Keratin & Keratinization ii. 59Some cutaneous holocrine glands of reptiles..are sac-like invaginations of the epidermis producing fatty materials.
1884 Q. Jrnl. Geol. Soc. XL. 446The ground mass is *holocrystalline.
1891 Athenæum 19 Sept. 391/1 He..describes the principal igneous rocks in groups under the three heads, A. Holocrystalline, B. Hemicrystalline, and C. Highly Glassy Rocks.
1943 Sumner & Somers Chem. & Methods Enzymes i. 32A few examples of coenzymes and *holoenzymes are given in Table 11.
1950 Holoenzyme . [ see co-enzyme]
1971 Nature 15 Oct. 478/2 The rate of production of active holoenzyme from apoenzyme is enhanced by tryptophan about ten-fold.
1895 Story-Maskelyne Crystallogr. §235[ Hexagonal system] Holo-systematic haplohedral forms; or *holohexagonal haplohedra.
Ibid. §237Holohexagonal merosymmetry.
1937 Trans. ConnecticutAcad. Arts &Sci. XXXIII. 74A normal (*holomictic) thermally stratified lake consists of an epilimnion and a hypolimnion.
1957 G. E. Hutchinson Treat. Limnol. I. viii. 537Most of the lakes discussed herein are holomictic; that is to say, when they circulate, the circulation is complete to the bottom.
1901 T. H. Morgan Regeneration i. 24Under this heading we may distinguish two cases, in one of which the entire lost part is at once, or later, replaced—*holomorphosis. [ sc. homomorphosis]
1904 E. T. Whittaker Treat. Analyt. Dynamics ii. 33*Holonomic systems are therefore characterised by the fact that the number of degrees of freedom is equal to the number of independent coordinates required to specify the configuration of the system.
1954 R. A. Becker Introd. Theor.Mech. xiii. 318Simple examples of holonomic constraints involving a single particle are those where the motion is confined to a single curve or surface.
1899 D. E. Jones & Walley tr. Hertz'sPrinc. Mech. iv. 80A material system between whose possible positions all conceivable continuous motions are also possible motions is callled a *holonomous system.
1911 A. & J. G. Gray Treat. Dynamics x. 555Systems are now called holonomous or not holonomous, according as the constraints are or are not defined by finite equations.
1891 Jrnl. R.Microsc. Soc. 70Each of these classes, except the last, may be again divided into *Holoparasites and Hemiparasites.
1903 W. R. Fisher tr. Schimper's Plant-Geogr. 203Holoparasites, which live entirely at the cost of the organic substance of their host, like holosaprophytes are devoid of chlorophyll.
1965 Bell & Coombe tr. Strasburger'sTextbk. Bot. i. iv. 197While the semi-parasites can often at first glance hardly be distinguished from their green, wholly autotrophic relatives, the total or holo-parasites display a complete or almost complete loss of chlorophyll.
1902 Encycl. Brit. XXV. 439/2Cytineæ, Balanophoreæ, Orobanchaceæ, Lennoaceæ, are families..which are characteristically *holoparasitic.
1927 W. McDougall PlantEcol. ix. 125The family Scrophulariaceæ contains representatives of all gradations from complete independence to *holoparasitism.
1885 *Holophytic . [ see holozoic a.]
1888 Rolleston & Jackson Anim. Life 820In some instances where chlorophyl is present, nutrition appears to take place as in plants, in other words the Protozoon is holophytic. But the presence of chlorophyl need not necessarily lead to holophytic nutrition.
1900 Ann. Bot. XIV. 669Thus either a saprophytic or holophytic nutrition can be maintained.
1964 Priestley & Scott Introd. Bot. (ed. 4) xxxvii. 593It is usual for flowering plants to be autotrophic (holophytic).
1909 E. Warming Oecol. Plants xxxviii. 161These terms ‘neritic’ and ‘pelagic’ or ‘oceanic’ plankton approximately correspond to Haeckel's ‘neroplankton’ and ‘*holoplankton’ respectively.
1942 H. U. Sverdrup et al. Oceans xvii. 816The holoplankton is composed of forms representing nearly every phylum of the animal kingdom.
1955 C. C. Davis Marine & Fresh-water Plankton i. 29The life history is completed without the animals ever leaving their planktonic life. Animals of this type are classified as the holoplankton.
1893 G. W. Field tr. Haeckel's PlanktonicStud. inRep. U.S. Comm. Fisheries 1889–91 583Numerous organisms pass their whole life..hovering in the ocean, while with others this is not the case. The first group we call *holoplanktonic.
1963 J. E. G. Raymont Plankton & Productivity in Oceans xiv. 371The holoplanktonic members are also subject to seasonal breeding.
1801 Syd. Smith in Mem. (1855) I. 46Why this *holoplexia on sacred occasions alone? Why call in the aid of paralysis to piety?
1892 J. A. Thomson Outl. Zool. xiii. 266In adult aërial life, the tracheæ of the body acquire stigmata, and the insect becomes ‘*holopneustic’.
1947 Trans. R.Ent. Soc. XCVIII. 459Aquatic holometabolous larvae which are holopneustic do not appear to exist.
1960 Richards & Davies Imms'sTextbk. Ent. (ed. 9) i. 134The Holopneustic Respiratory System. —This is the most primitive arrangement found in living insects, 10 pairs of functional spiracles being present.
1893 E. A. Butler Household Ins. ix. 186The eyes of the males come completely into contact on the forehead..Flies whose eyes meet in this way are said to be ‘*holoptic’ (whole-eyed).
1872 Coues Key N.Amer. Birds (1884) 165A bird having the bones..with moderate forking, so that the angle of the fork bounding the nostrils behind, does not reach so far back as the fronto-premaxillary suture, is termed *holorhinal. [ nasal]
1892 Gadow Classif. Birds inProc. Zool. Soc. , 5 Œdicnemidæ,Cosmopolitan, Holorhinal. No basipterygoid processes.
1890 Jrnl. R.Microsc. Soc. 205Herr F. Johow describes the peculiarities of structure of the ‘*holosaprophytes’, or saprophytes destitute of chlorophyll.
1902 Encycl. Brit. XXV. 439/1Angiospermous holosaprophytes are not common.
1960 W. B. Crow SynopsisBiol. lxxxiv. 518The completely saprophytic genera (holosaprophytes) in Britain are the orchids Neottia and Corallorhiza and the similar Monotropa which is allied to the heath family.
1895 Ann. Bot. IX. 327A number of *holosaprophytic forms found in the tropics..constitute the Burmanniaceous genus Thismia.
1831 Don Gard. Dict. I. p. xvii,*Holosericeous, covered all over with silky down.
1881 Lubbock Pres. Addr. Brit. Assoc. in NatureNo. 618. 409The whole class of meteorites, consisting of iron generally alloyed with nickel, which Daubrée terms *Holosiderites.
1870 Rolleston Anim. Life 264*Holostean Ganoids.
1870 N. & Q. 4th Ser. VI. 414*Holosteric..has appeared of late years, as the distinguishing name of a particular form of barometer, resembling an aneroid.
1875 Knight Dict. Mech. s.v. ,The aneroid of Vidi, and the bent tube of Bourdon, are examples of holosteric barometers.
1895 Story-Maskelyne Crystallogr. §176Holo-systematic haplohedral forms; or *holo-tesseral hemihedra.
Ibid. §207Holosystematic haplohedral forms; *holotetragonal hemihedra.
1872 Coues Key N.Amer. Birds (1884) 125A booted or *holothecal tarsus chiefly occurs in the higher Oscines.
1877 Huxley Anat. Inv. Anim. ii. 104In the *holotrichous Paramoecium..there is a very distinct cortical layer.
1885 E. R. Lankester in Encycl. Brit. XIX. 861/2All are *holozoic in their nutrition, though some are said to combine with this saprophytic and holophytic nutrition. [ the Ciliata]
1888 Rolleston & Jackson Anim. Life 820The food-material consists..of living or dead animals or plants, and the Protozoon is then said to be holozoic.
before vowels, hol-, word-forming element meaning "whole, entire, complete," from Greek holo-, comb. form of holos "whole, entire, complete," also "safe and sound," from PIE *sol-wo-, from root *sol- (see safe, adj.).
ORIGIN: Greek holos whole, entire.
combining form. whole; entire; wholly: Holocaust = entire or complete destruction. Holocryptic = wholly hidden. Also, hol- before vowels.
[< Greek hólos]
— see hol-
— see hol-
- whole
- hologram
- holocube
- holodeck
- holovid
From Ancient Greek ὅλος (hólos, “whole”).
Derived terms
English words prefixed with holo-
前缀:holo- 表示“全部”
holography 全息摄影(holo+graphy写→全部写下→全息摄影)
前缀:holo- 全
hologram 全息图
holography 全息照相术
holophone 声音全息记录器
holocrystalline 全结晶的
holophote 全射镜
holhedron 全面体