late 14c., "self-restraining," from Old French continent and directly from Latin continentem (nominative continens) "holding together, continuous," present participle of continere "hold together" (see contain). Meaning moved from "exercising self-restraint" to "chaste" 14c., and to bowel and bladder control 19c.
"large land mass," 1550s, from continent land (mid-15c.), translating Latin terra continens "continuous land," from continens, present participle of continere (see continent, adj.).
〔蒋〕[con-共同,一起,tin握,持,-ent表示物;’保持连在一起的陆地”] 大陆,陆地,大洲
〔李〕[con-(com-)=together一起;tin=to hold保持;-ent n.=thing物→“land that holds together保持成一块的土地”→] n. mass of land holding together;large land mass of the earth大陆;大洲