

词汇 semi-
Online Etymology Dictionary

  1. Half:
  2. Partial; partially:
  3. Resembling or having some of the characteristics of:
  4. Occurring twice during:
    semimonthly.See Usage Note at bi- 1
    一月两次的参见 bi-1

  1. Middle English
  2. from Latin sēmi- [half] * see sēmi-
    源自 拉丁语 sēmi- [半,一半] *参见 sēmi-


Compare demi- (sense 1), hemi-
partially, partly, not completely, or almost
occurring twice in a specified period of time


from Latin; compare Old English sōm-, sām- half, Greek hēmi-

Example Sentences

She hasn't appeared, but suddenly I spot Neville and Patricia in the semi- darkness.

Alex George LOVE YOU MADLY (2002)
before vowels sem-, word-forming element meaning "half, part, partly; partial, imperfect; twice," from Latin semi- "half," from PIE *semi- "half" (cognates: Sanskrit sami "half," Greek hemi- "half," Old English sam-, Gothic sami- "half").
Old English cognate sam- was used in such compounds as samhal "poor health," literally "half-whole;" samsoden "half-cooked," figuratively "stupid" (compare half-baked); samcucu "half-dead," literally "half-alive;" and the last survivor of the group, sandblind "dim-sighted" (q.v.). Common in Latin (as in semi-gravis "half-drunk," semi-hora "half hour," semi-mortuus "half-dead," semi-nudus "half-naked," semi-vir "half-man, hermaphrodite"). The Latin-derived form in English has been active in forming native words since 15c.
semi- /ˈsɛmi/ prefix.
ORIGIN: Latin (partly through French, Italian, etc.) corresp. to Greek hēmi- hemi-, Sanskrit sāmi, from Indo-European base also of sam-, Old Saxon sām, Old High German sāmi.
Used in words adopted (ult.) from Latin and in English words modelled on these, and (almost completely displacing demi-) as a freely productive prefix, forming nouns from nouns and adjectives from adjectives and, less commonly, verbs from verbs, with the senses ‘half, half-sized’, as semicircle, semicircular; ‘partly, partially, to some extent’, as semi-official, semi-detached; ‘imperfectly, incompletely’, as semi-liquid; ‘occurring or appearing twice in a specified period’, as semi-annual.
 DERIVATIVE semi-aˈcoustic adjective & noun (a) adjective (of a guitar) having a hollow body, typically with f-holes, and one or more electrical pickups; (b) noun a semi-acoustic guitar: L20.
semi-ˈanimate adjective half-alive E19.
semi-ˈannual adjective & noun (a) adjective occurring, published, etc., twice a year, half-yearly; (of a plant) living for half a year only; (b) noun a semi-annual plant: L18.
semi-ˈannually adverb every half-year, once in every six months E19.
semi-ˈannular adjective of the form of a half-ring L17.
semi-anˈtique adjective & noun (a) adjective (of an oriental rug or carpet) between fifty and one hundred years old (b) noun a semi-antique oriental rug or carpet: M20.
semi-aˈquatic adjective partly aquatic and partly terrestrial; amphibious: M19.
semi-ˈarid adjective having slightly more precipitation than an arid climate, coarse grasses and scrub being the characteristic vegetation L19.
semi-aˈttached adjective (rare) partially or loosely attached; semi-detached: M19.
semi-ˈaxis noun half of a diameter of an ellipse etc. M18.
semi-Banˈtu adjective & noun (of, designating or pertaining to) a group of languages closely related to Bantu E20.
semi-barˈbarian noun a person who is partly a barbarian L17.
semi-ˈbarbarism noun the state or condition of being semi-barbarous L18.
semi-ˈbarbarous adjective that is partly barbarous L18.
semi-ˈbasement noun (Architecture) a basement room or rooms sunk only partially below ground level E20.
semi-ˈbeam noun (Architecture) = cantilever 2 M19.
semi-ˈbold adjective & noun (printed in) a weight of typeface between normal and bold L20.
semi-ˈbroch noun (Archaeology) a prehistoric hollow-walled fort of the Hebrides and W. Scotland representing a stage of development between the galleried dun and the broch E20.
semi-ˈcell noun (Botany) either of the two parts of a cell which is constricted in the middle, as in a desmid L19.
semi-ˈchemical adjective designating (wood pulp made by) a pulping process in which wood chips are subjected to mild chemical delignification followed by mechanical processing E20.
semi-ˈchorus noun (a) either of two parts into which the main body of a chorus is divided; a part of a chorus or choir; (b) a piece of music etc. to be performed by a semi-chorus: L18.
semi-ˈcivilized adjective partially civilized M19.
semi-ˈclassical adjective (a) gen. (esp. in Music) partly classical; (b) Physics designating a theory that is intermediate in its assumptions and methods between the classical, or Newtonian, description and that of modern physics, esp. in quantum mechanics and relativity: M20.
semi-ˈclosed adjective (Medicine) designating a method of administering anaesthetics using a gas supply that is closed from the atmosphere but with gas in excess of the patient's needs being vented off E20.
semi-ˈcoke noun a smokeless fuel leaving little ash, made from coal by carbonization at a low temperature (usu. 500–600°C) E20.
semi-ˈcoking adjective (of coal) intermediate between coking coal and coal not suitable for making coke E20.
semi-ˈcolumn noun (chiefly Architecture) half of a column cut longitudinally E18.
semi-commoner noun = demy noun 2 L17–E18.
semi-ˈconscious adjective partially conscious M19.
semi-conˈservative adjective (Biochemistry) designating or pertaining to (the accepted model of) replication of a nucleic acid in which one complete strand of each double helix is directly derived from the parent molecule M20.
semi-conˈservatively adverb (Biochemistry) by semi-conservative replication M20.
semi-conˈvergent adjective (Math.) designating a series the sum of whose terms converges while the sum of the moduli of its terms diverges L19.
semi-ˈcrystalline adjective having a structure consisting of crystals embedded in an amorphous groundmass, or (now usu.) possessing crystalline character in some degree E19.
semi-ˈcursive adjective & noun (Palaeography) (of or pertaining to) any of various scripts combining cursive features with elements of a more formal style E20.
semi-ˈcylinder noun half of a cylinder cut longitudinally M17.
semi-cyˈlindric, semi-cyˈlindrical adjectives of the form of a semi-cylinder M18.
semi-ˈdeity noun = semigod E17.
semi-deˈponent noun & adjective (Grammar) (of) a Latin verb having active forms in present tenses and passive forms with active sense in perfect tenses L19.
semi-ˈdesert adjective & noun (designating) a semi-arid area intermediate between grassland and desert M19.
semi-diˈaphanous adjective (now rare) partially or not completely transparent M17.
semi-diˈrect adjective not completely direct; spec. (of lighting) so arranged that most but not all of the light reaches the illuminated area without first being reflected (cf. semi-indirect): E20.
semi-diˈsplay noun (Typography) a layout (for an advertisement etc.) intermediate between the run-on and displayed styles L20.
semi-diˈsplayed adjective (Typography) (of an advertisement etc.) set out in semi-display L20.
semi-diˈurnal adjective (a) Astronomy of, pertaining to, or performed in half the time between the rising and setting of a celestial object; (b) (esp. of tides) occurring (roughly) every twelve hours: L16.
semi-diˈvine adjective half divine; that is a demigod: E17.
semi-docuˈmentary adjective & noun (a film) having a factual basis presented in fictional form M20.
semi-dome noun a half-dome, esp. one formed by vertical section; a part of a structure more or less resembling a dome: L18.
semi-domed adjective having the form of a semi-dome M19.
semi-ˈdouble adjective (a) (Roman Catholic Church, now hist.) (of a feast) ranking in importance between a double and a simple feast; (b) (of a flower) intermediate between double and single in having only the outer stamens converted to petals: L15.
semi-ˈdouble noun (a) (Roman Catholic Church, now hist.) a semi-double feast; (b) a semi-double flower: M19.
semi-eˈllipse noun half of an ellipse bisected by one of its diameters, esp. the transverse M18.
semi-eˈlliptical adjective of or pertaining to a semi-ellipse M18.
semi-emˈpirical adjective deriving in part from theoretical considerations and in part from the results of experiment M20.
semi-emˈpirically adverb in a semi-empirical manner L20.
semi-ˈevening adjective (of clothes, esp. a woman's dress) fashionable but not fully formal, suitable for both afternoon and evening wear (chiefly in semi-evening dress) E20.
semi-ˈevergreen adjective normally evergreen but shedding some leaves in severe conditions M20.
semi-ˈfabricated adjective (of a material) formed into some standard shape for use in the making of finished articles M20.
semiˈfabricator noun a manufacturer of semifabricated goods L20.
semi-feral adjective half-wild; esp. (of an animal) partly feral: L19.
semiferine adjective (rare) half-wild, semi-feral M19.
semi-field noun (Math.) a set, together with operations answering to addition and multiplication, that has certain specified properties of a field but not all of them E20.
semi-ˈfinal noun a match or round immediately preceding the final L19.
semi-ˈfinalist noun a competitor in a semi-final L19.
semi-ˈfinished adjective prepared for the final stage of manufacture M20.
semi-ˈfitted adjective (of a garment) shaped to the body but not closely fitted M20.
semiflex verb trans. bend (esp. a joint or muscle) into a position halfway between extension and flexure M19.
semiˈformal adjective & noun (a) adjective combining formal and informal elements; (of clothing) neither particularly formal nor casual; (b) noun (chiefly US) an event at which semiformal attire is expected: L19.
semi-ˈformed adjective half-formed E19.
semi-globe noun half of a globe; a hemisphere or hemispherical form, structure, etc.: M18.
semi-ˈglobular adjective of the form of a semi-globe E18.
semi-grand adjective & noun (of) a modified form of the grand piano M20.
semi-group noun (Math.) a set together with an associative binary operation under which it is closed E20.
semi-hoop noun (rare) a semicircular arc or arch L17.
semi-indiˈrect adjective (of lighting) so arranged that most but not all of the light reaches the illuminated area indirectly, after reflection or scattering by a surface (cf. semi-direct) E20.
semi-ˈinfinite adjective (Math. & Physics) infinite with respect to a particular dimension etc. E20.
semi-inˈtensive adjective (Agriculture) of or pertaining to a method of rearing livestock including features of intensive farming M20.
semi-ˈinvalid noun a partially disabled or somewhat infirm person M20.
semi-inˈvariant noun (a) Math. a function of the coefficients of a binary quantic which satisfies only one of two equations satisfied by an invariant function of the coefficients; (b) Statistics any of a set of functions of a statistical distribution, each expressible as a polynomial in the moments: M19.
semi-ˈlethal adjective & noun (Genetics) (of or designating) an allele or chromosomal abnormality which impairs the viability of most of the individuals homozygous for it E20.
semi-ˈliquid adjective & noun (a substance that is) partly liquid and partly solid; semi-fluid: L17.
semi-log adjective = semi-logarithmic E20.
semi-logaˈrithmic adjective having or designating a scale that is linear in one direction and logarithmic in the other E20.
semi-main noun (US) = repêchage M20.
semi-ˈmajor adjective designating the axis of an ellipse which is half the longest diameter L19.
semi-manufacture noun a product made from raw materials and used in the manufacture of finished goods M20.
semi-maˈture adjective (a)rare half-ripe; (b) partially mature: LME.
semi-ˈminor adjective designating the axis of an ellipse which is half the shortest diameter E20.
semi-ˈmonthly adjective & adverb (a) adjective occurring, published, etc., twice a month; (b) adverb twice a month: M19.
semi-ˈmonocoque adjective & noun (designating or based on) an aircraft fuselage etc. having a rigid load-bearing shell together with a framework of longerons or stringers, or a motor vehicle underframe or body combining features of the monocoque and space-frame types E20.
semi-ˈmute adjective & noun (of) a person who is deaf but has some faculty of speech M19.
semi-nocˈturnal adjective (a) Astronomy pertaining to, or accomplished in, exactly half a night, semi-diurnal; (b) Zoology partly nocturnal in habits: L16.
semi-ˈnomad adjective & noun (a) adjective semi-nomadic; (b) noun a semi-nomadic person: M20.
semi-noˈmadic adjective partially nomadic and partially settled; esp. designating a social group depending largely on seasonal pasturing: M19.
semi-ˈnude adjective half-naked M19.
semi-ˈnudity noun the condition of being semi-nude M19.
semi-oˈccasional adjective (US, rare) occurring once in a while M19.
semi-oˈccasionally adverb (US, rare) once in a while M19.
semi-oˈfficial adjective partly official; esp. (of a communication to a newspaper etc.) made by an official with the stipulation that the source is not revealed: E19.
semi-oˈfficially adverb in a semi-official manner M19.
semi-oˈpacity noun the condition or quality of being semi-opaque L17.
semi-opal noun [translating German Halbopal] an inferior variety of opal with a greater degree of hardness and opacity L18.
semi-oˈpaque adjective partly opaque; not fully transparent: L17.
semi-ˈopen adjective partially open; spec. (Medicine) designating a method of administering anaesthetics in which the inspired gas is atmospheric air partially restricted or controlled by some device: E20.
semi-ˈopera noun (chiefly hist.) a masque or similar entertainment with a substantial proportion of vocal music E18.
semi-ˈoval adjective & noun (of the form of) half an oval cut longitudinally E18.
semipaˈrabola noun (Math.) (a) half of a parabola; (b) a curve resembling a parabola, described by an equation of the form axⁿ⁻1 = yⁿ: M17.
semi-ˈpermanent adjective less than completely permanent L19.
semi-ˈpermanently adverb in a semi-permanent manner M20.
semi-plume noun a feather with a long firm shaft but a downy web L19.
semi-ˈporcelain noun ware resembling porcelain but having an inferior glaze, finish, etc. L19.
semi-portal adjective of a crane mounted on a frame consisting of a horizontal member supported at one end by an upright E20.
semi-ˈprecious adjective (of a mineral stone) able to be cut and polished for use in ornamentation and jewellery but not of sufficient value to rank as a gemstone E20.
semi-ˈpro noun & adjective (colloq., orig. & chiefly US) (pl. of noun -os) = semi-professional E20.
semi-proˈfessional noun & adjective (a) noun a musician, sportsman or -woman, etc., receiving payment for an occupation or activity but not relying on it for a living; (b) adjective of, pertaining to or designating a semi-professional or semi-professionals; involving or employing semi-professionals: L19.
semi-proleˈtariat noun in Marxist theory, the class intermediate between the proletariat and the petty bourgeoisie M20.
semi-ˈprone adjective lying face downwards with one or both knees flexed to the side; designating this position: L19.
semi-reˈtired adjective having partially retired, esp. from occupation or employment L20.
semi-reˈtirement noun the state or condition of being semi-retired M20.
semi-ˈrigid adjective & noun (a) adjective (of an airship) having a flexible gas container attached to a stiffened keel or framework; gen. somewhat rigid; having a certain amount of rigidity; (b) noun a semi-rigid airship: E20.
semi-ring noun half of a ring; a semi-annular form, object, etc.: M19.
semi-ˈrotary adjective partly rotary M19.
semi-roˈtatory adjective partly rotatory E19.
semi-ˈsavage adjective & noun (of) a semi-barbarian E19.
Semi-ˈSaxon adjective & noun (arch.) (of, pertaining to or designating) Middle English of the early period, between about 1150 and 1250: M18.
semi-sentence noun (Grammar) a form possessing some but not all of the features of a sentence M20.
semi-ˈskilled adjective (of work or a worker) having or requiring some skill or special training, but less than that necessary for a skilled task or worker E20.
semi-ˈskimmed adjective (of milk) from which some cream has been skimmed L20.
semi-smile noun an expression that is not quite a smile M19.
semi-ˈsolid adjective of the consistency of a very thick, stiff fluid or suspension, or a very soft solid; semi-fluid: M19.
semiˈspheroid noun (long rare or obsolete) a hemispheroid L18.
semispheˈroidal adjective (rare) hemispheroidal M17.
semi-ˈsports adjective (colloq.) (a) (of clothes) somewhat informal or casual; (b) (of a car) possessing some of the characteristics of a sports car: E20.
semi-steel noun (now rare) a low-carbon cast iron produced by melting mild steel with pig iron M19.
semi-ˈsterile adjective (Biology) reduced in fertility by approximately 50 per cent E20.
semi-steˈrility noun the state or condition of being semi-sterile E20.
semi-sub noun = semi-submersible noun L20.
semi-subˈmersible adjective & noun (of) an offshore drilling platform or barge with submerged hollow pontoons able to be flooded with water when the vessel is anchored on site in order to provide stability M20.
semi-sweet adjective (of a biscuit etc.) slightly sweetened M20.
semi-synˈthetic adjective that is a mixture of synthetic and natural materials, or has been prepared by artificial modification of a natural material; that is a combination of synthetic and natural processes: M20.
semi-ˈtrailer noun a road trailer having wheels at the back but supported at the front by a towing vehicle E20.
semi-transˈparency noun the quality or condition of being semi-transparent; partial transparency: L18.
semi-transˈparent adjective partially or imperfectly transparent L18.
semi-ˈtropical adjective subtropical M19.
semi-ˈtropics noun pl. the subtropics E20.
semi-ˈuncial adjective & noun = half-uncial s.v. half- M18.
semi-ˈvitreous adjective partially vitreous L18.
semi-vitrifiˈcation noun partial vitrification L18.
semi-ˈvitrified adjective partially vitrified M18.
semi-ˈweekly adjective & adverb (a) adjective occurring, published, etc., twice a week; (b) adverb twice a week: L18.
semi-works noun (US) a manufacturing plant for developing and perfecting a new product or process after testing in a pilot plant and before full-scale production M20.
\in pronunciations below, | ̷ ̷(ˌ) ̷ ̷ . |semē or |seˌmī or |semi or (usu not before vowels) |semə\ prefix
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin; akin to Old English sam- half, Old High German sāmi-, Greek hēmi-, Sanskrit sāmi-
 a. : precisely half of:
  (1) : forming a bisection of
   < semiellipse >
   < semichord >
   < semicylinder >
  (2) : being a usually vertically bisected form of (a specified architectural feature)
   < semiarch >
   < semibay >
   < semidome >
 b. : half in quantity or value : half of or occurring halfway through (a specified period of time)
  < semirevolution >
  < semiannual >
  < semicentenary >
  < semiphase >
  — compare bi-
 a. : to some extent : partly : incompletely
  < semi-independent >
  < semidry >
  < semiplastic >
  < semiacid >
  < semiquantitatively >
  — compare demi-, hemi-
 b. : having (a specified characteristic) for half the length or on one side
  < semipinnate >
  < semiadherent >
 a. : partial : incomplete
  < semipositivism >
  < semieducation >
  < semiadherent >
  < semi-Augustinianism >
  < semiwig >
 b. : having some of the characteristics of (a specified class or object)
  < semiluxury >
  < semicampus >
  < semibenzene >
  < semiporcelain >
  < semicitizen >
 c. : quasi-
  < semigovernmental >
  < semijudicial >
  < semimonastic >
  < semiubiquitous >


  • IPA: /sɛmi/, /sɛmaɪ/
  • Prefix

    1. half
    2. partial, incomplete
    3. somewhat, rather, quasi-
      1994, Eric Bogosian, Pounding nails in the floor with my forehead
      Nothing like a nice hot ethnic dish before you go to see that semi-expensive, semi-meaningful Off-Broadway show.


    Borrowing from Latin semi- (“half”), from Proto-Indo-European *sēmi/*sēmi-. Cognate to English sam, and to hemi- (via Ancient Greek).


  • demi-
  • half-
  • hemi-
  • Derived terms

    English words prefixed with semi-


  • Definition of semi - Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
  • 前缀:semi- 表示“半”

    semimonthly 半月刊(semi+monthly月刊)

    semicolony 半殖民地(semi+colony殖民地)

    semiconductor 半导体(semi+conductor导体)

    semicircle 半圆(semi+circle圆)

    semiautomatic 半自动的(semi+automatic自动的)


    semiweekly 半周刊

    semiconductor 半导体

    semimonthly 半月刊

    semicircle 半圆

    semiofficial 半官方的

    semiliterate 半文盲的

    semi-colony 半殖民地

    semicommercial 半商业性的

    semimetal 半金属

    semicivilized 半开化的

    semiskilled 半熟练的

    semiautomatic 半自动的




    【同源单词】:semiconductor, semidome


    【来源及含义】Latin: half, partly, twice

    【同源单词】semi-acid, semi-amplexicaul, semiannual, semiannually, semiaquatic, semiarid





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