1520s, "to persuade a vassal, etc., to desert his allegiance or service," from Latin seducere "lead away, lead astray," from se- "aside, away" (see secret, n.) + ducere "to lead" (see duke, n.). Sexual sense, now the prevailing one, is attested from 1550s and apparently was not in Latin. Originally "entice (a woman) to a surrender of chastity." Related: Seduced; seducing.Replaced Middle English seduisen (late 15c.), from Middle French séduire "seduce," from Old French suduire "to corrupt, seduce," from Latin subducere "draw away, withdraw, remove" (see subduce).
〔李〕[se-=aside 离偏;duc=to lead 引导;-e⇒“to lead sb. aside 将某人引偏了”→] vt. lead astray;persuade to do wrong 引诱;诱使…堕落
〔蒋〕[se-离,去,duc引;“引诱去”] 诱惑,诱使…堕落,勾引
〔李〕[se-=aside离,偏;duc=to lead引导;-e→“to lead aside引离正道”→] v. lead astray, or draw aside from what is right勾引;引诱