late 14c., "recover from illness or suffering;" mid-15c., "to return" (to a place), from Latin recurrere "to return, run back, hasten back," figuratively "revert, recur," from re- "back, again" (see re-) + currere "to run" (see current, adj.). Originally of persons; application to thoughts, ideas, etc. is recorded from 1620s. Meaning "happen again" is from 1670s. Related: Recurred; recurring.
〔蒋〕[re-回,复,cur跑;“跑回”→返回→重来] 再发生,(养病等)复发,(往事等)重新浮现
〔李〕[re-=back, again回,复;cur=to run跑→“to run back again又跑回来”→] v. come upon or happen again 重来;复发