Word Origin
a semantically empty suffix that creates informal variations of more neutral nouns and adjectives by processes of truncation identical to those of -er7. (champers; preggers; starkers); unlike that suffix, however, -ers, is apparently productive, and words formed with it do not appear to belong to a restricted linguistic register, as university slang.
perhaps a conflation of -er7 with the final element of bonkers and crackers (unless these words themselves contain this suffix); cf. -s3
Related Words
- bonkers
- champers
- commerce
- Grand Traverse Bay
- preggers
- starkers
-ersa variant of -er9, as in preggers (pregnant), crackers (crazy, from cracked), or in the colloquial shortening of people's names, as in Greggers.
- forming colloquial nouns and adjectives such as Twickers (for Twickenham ), brekkers (for breakfast ), preggers (for pregnant ), etc.[构成口语体的名词和形容词, 如Twickers表示“特威克纳姆”, brekkers表示“早餐”, preggers表示“怀孕的”]。
extension of -ER .
plural of -er
plural of -er
- informal Used to form adjectives used informally
See -er
Derived terms
English words suffixed with -ers