mid-15c., "to change, transform," from Latin commutare "to often change, to change altogether," from com-, intensive prefix (see com-), + mutare "to change" (see mutable). Sense of "make less severe" is 1630s. Sense of "go back and forth to work" is 1889, from commutation ticket "season pass" (on a railroad, streetcar line, etc.), from commute in its sense of "to change one kind of payment into another" (1795), especially "to combine a number of payments into a single one." Related: Commuted; commuting.
〔李〕[com-;mut;-e] v.用……交换; 乘公交车上下班 ←mut (L mutare)=to change 变化
〔蒋〕[com-共同,mut交换] 变换,用…交换