pyro- 或 pyr-
- Fire; heat:
烟火制造术的 - Relating to the action of fire or heat:
烙画(法),烫画(法) - Fever:
热原,致热质 - Derived from an acid by the loss of a water molecule:
pyrosulfuric acid.
- New Latin
现代拉丁语 - from Greek puro-
源自 希腊语 puro- - from pur [fire] * see pūr-
源自 pur [火] *参见 pūr-
pyro- or (before a vowel) pyr-
combining form
denoting fire, heat, or high temperature
caused or obtained by fire or heat
denoting a new substance obtained by heating another
pyroboric acid is obtained by heating boric acid
denoting an acid or salt with a water content intermediate between that of the ortho- and meta- compounds
pyro-phosphoric acid
having a property that changes upon the application of heat
having a flame-coloured appearance
from Gk pur firepyro-
Word Origin
a combining form meaning “fire,” “heat,” “high temperature,” used in the formation of compound words:
pyrogen; pyrolusite; pyromancy.
Chemistry. a combining form used in the names of inorganic acids, indicating that the acid's water content is intermediate between that of the corresponding ortho- (more water) and meta- (least water) acids (pyroantimonic, H4Sb2O7, pyroarsenic, H4As2O7, and pyrosulfuric, H2S2O7, acids). The combining form is also used in the names of the salts of these acids. If the acid ends in -ic, the corresponding salt ends in -ate (pyroboric acid, H2B4O7, and potassium pyrobate, K2B4O7, or pyrosulfuric, H2S2O7, and pyrosulfate, N2S2O7); if the acid ends in -ous, the corresponding salt ends in -ite (pyrophosphorous acid, H4P2O5, potassium pyrophosphite, K4P2O5).
Also, pyr-.
< Greek pyro-, combining form of pŷr fire
Related Words
- alpha-ketoglutaric acid
- ortho-
- pyr-
- pyrobitumen
- pyroborate
- pyrocatechol
pyro-a word element used:
1. Chemistry
a. before the name of an inorganic acid, indicating that its water content is intermediate between that of the corresponding ortho- (more water) and meta- (least water) acids, as in pyroantimonic acid, H4Sb2O7, pyroarsenic acid, H4As2O7, and pyrosulphuric acid, H2S2O7.
b. applied to salts of these acids. If the acid ends in -ic, the corresponding salt ends in -ate, as pyroboric acid, H2B4O7 and potassium pyroborate, K2B4O7. If the acid ends in -ous, the corresponding salt ends in -ite: pyrophosphorous acid, H4P2O5, potassium pyrophosphite, K4P2O5.
2. Geology in the names of minerals, rocks, etc., indicating a quality produced by the action of fire.
3. to mean 'of, relating to, or concerned with fire'.
Also, (before vowels), pyr-. [Greek, combining form of pyr fire]
combining form
⇨ see pyr-
combining form
⇨ see pyr-
combining form
- of or relating to fire表示“(与)火(有关)的”:
- Chemistry & Mineralogy denoting a compound or mineral that is formed or affected by heat or has a fiery colour【化, 矿】表示“(化合物, 矿物)由热作用形成的”, “受热影响的”, “具有火的颜色的”:
from Greek pur 'fire'.
1906 E. M. Weaver Notes Military Explosives iv. 123*Pyrocellulose, a soluble nitrocellulose of so called definite percentage of N(12·4), corresponding to the molecular formula, C30H38(NO2)12O25, claimed to have been produced by Mendeléef; it possesses just sufficient content of O to burn all of the C to CO, the H to H2O.
1920 O. W. Willcox in A. Rogers Industr. Chem. (ed. 3) xlvi. 1076Nitrocellulose of from 12·50 to 12·70 per cent of nitrogen is called pyrocellulose, or simply pyro, and is the material from which smokeless powder for cannon is made.
1951 Kirk & Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol. VI. 36Various types or grades of nitrocellulose are characterized by their nitrogen contents and the following names are used: pyroxylin, 8–12% nitrogen; pyrocellulose, 12·6 {pm} 0·1% nitrogen; guncotton, 13·3 {pm} 0·1% nitrogen.
1974 Encycl. Brit. Macropædia VII. 87/1It was..the most important type of smokeless powder used by the Allies in World War I. It was made from a nitrocotton of relatively low nitrogen content, called pyrocellulose, because that type is quite soluble in ether-alcohol.
1920 A. Holmes Nomencl.Petrol. 193*Pyroclasts, a general term for fragmental deposits of volcanic ejectamenta.
1934 Bull. Amer. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists XVIII. 1573The bentonite beds in the basal McLure shale represent purer beds of originally vitric pyroclasts.
1944 A. Holmes Princ. PhysicalGeol. xx. 443The great clouds of gases, vapours, and pyroclasts that are the most conspicuous feature of explosive eruptions may be luminous or dark.
1972 Nature 21 Jan. 157/1 This eruption was extremely violent: an estimated 1·4 km3 of pyroclast flow and fall was emitted.
1887 J. J. H. Teall in Geol. Mag. Decade III. IV. 493,I venture to suggest that..we should distinguish between the three types of clastic rocks at present recognized by using the terms epiclastic, cataclastic, and *pyroclastic... Pyroclastic—Fragmental rocks of volcanic origin. The same terms may be applied to the structures which characterize the rocks in question.
1888 Rutley Rock-FormingMin. 124Breccias and tuffs, whether of pyroclastic origin or not.
1897 Geikie Anc. VolcanoesGt. Brit. I. 14All kinds of pyroclastic detritus discharged from volcanic vents.
1903 Bull. U.S. Geol. SurveyNo. 213. 73The gravels of Slate Creek contain..a certain proportion of material derived from the older quartzites, pyroclastics, and granite intrusives occurring on the south side of its lower valley.
1939 W. H. Twenhofel Princ. Sedimentation viii. 291The coarse-grained pyroclastics fall near the places of expulsion.
1976 P. Francis Volcanoes iv. 127All volcanic rocks..may turn up either as lavas or pyroclastics.
Ibid. v. 158Pumice is the best-known of all
1880 W. A. Ross in Nature XXI. 275/1The blue *pyrocone produced by the blowpipe from an ordinary gas-burner.
1897 Daily News 27 Mar. 6/7 Henri Guénard, the eminent draughtsman, painter, aquafortist, *pyro-engraver, and engraver in colours.
1882 Ogilvie (Annandale), *Pyrognomic, applied to certain minerals which, when heated to a certain degree, exhibit a glow of incandescence, probably arising from a new disposition of their molecules.
1849 Dana Geol. iii. (1850) 207 note,*Pyrognostic Characters.—In an open tube gives off a small quantity of water.
1851 Richardson Geol. v. 76Bromel, a French mineralogist,..being the first who classified mineral substances according to their pyrognostic qualities.
1593 G. Harvey Pierces Super.Wks. (Grosart) II. 66,I looke for Agrippas dreadfull *Pyromachy: for Cardans multiplied matter, that shall delude the force of the Canon.
1887 Times 9 Sept. 14/5 The *pyro-magnetic dynamo will allow of the waste heat being utilized for other purposes.
1901 Pyromagnetic . [ see piezomagneticadj. s.v. piezo-]
1931 S. R. Williams Magn. Phenomena v. 164A pyromagnetic crystal must show a magnetic moment at room temperature.
1975 Jrnl. Appl. Physics XLVI. 2250/1The low-frequency pyromagnetic effect has been used to study the behavior of a ferromagnetic material both in the low-temperature region as well as near its Curie temperature.
1901 *Pyromagnetism . [ see piezomagnetisms.v. piezo-]
1956 Soviet Physics: JETP III. 436/2 Recently the opinion has been expressed that pyromagnetism, piezomagnetism, etc., are impossible.
1973 Jrnl. Appl. Physics XLIV. 424/1Another interesting application of pyromagnetism revealed by the present study is the possibility of verifying, or determining, the relationships between crystalline anisotropy constants and the magnetization near the critical point.
1842 Dunglison Med. Dict. ,*Pyromania.
1847 tr. von Feuchtersleben'sMed. Psychol. (Syd.Soc. ) 293An irresistible impulse to incendiarism (pyromania).
1867 H. Maudsley Physiol. Mind 273Instances of..homicidal monomania, kleptomania, pyromania, and suicidal monomania.
1895 Pyromania . [ see onomatomania b]
1937 Times 7 Oct. 11/2 Mr. A. Lawson-Walton..said that there was no evidence of spite.., and it seemed that the accused had a kind of pyromania and delighted in making fires.
1887 Amer. Jrnl. Psychol. I. 191*Pyromaniacs rarely incriminate themselves.
1897 Westm. Gaz. 2 Apr. 7/2A dangerous pyromaniac has been discovered in Brooklyn.. has set over twenty tenements on fire..simply for the pleasure of seeing them burn. [ who]
1929 W. S. Sadler Mind at Mischief x. 141We have the same condition in the case of certain types of pyromaniacs.
1967 Listener 6 Apr. 466/2 Jeanne Moreau lends to the role..more credibility than was apparent in her full-length portrayal of the pyromaniac school-mistress.
1972 G. W. Kisker Disorganized Personality (ed. 2) viii. 260/1The defiance is usually aimed at the police in their role of father image. Pyromaniacs of this type go about setting fires indiscriminately.
1873 G. H. Lewes Probl. Life & Mind 1stSer. I. 234Phases which manifest homicidal, kleptomaniacal, and *pyromaniacal instincts.
1926 J. I. Suttie tr. Ferenczi's FurtherContrib. Theory & Technique Psycho-Anal. xxxi. 258There were quite a number in which incendiaries set fire to their beds, as though to indicate the..enuristic primitive source of their *pyromanic character trait. [ of cases]
1968 G. Jones Hist. Vikings i. ii. 52According to Ynglinga Saga, this pyromanic imbecility cost the Ynglings their realm of Uppsala.
1917 E. Oberg Machinery'sEncycl. II. 204/2There are three methods by means of which copper may be obtained from its ores: 1. By the *pyro-metallurgical or dry method.
1971 Daily Tel. 29 Apr. 25 (Advt. ),Applicants should have..a strong pyrometallurgical background and a minimum of 3 years' smelting or related development experience.
1960 Times 6 Apr. 3/1 ( Advt. ),Applications are invited..for appointment to the posts of *Pyrometallurgist, . [ etc.]
1974 Daily Tel. 2 May 23 (Advt. ),The Pyrometallurgist will work in the Smelter, which has an annual production capacity of approximately 84,000 tonnes of copper.
1909 Webster, *Pyrometallurgy.
1957 New Scientist 26 Sept. 20/1 Pyrometallurgy, the study of metals in the molten state, may find an application in the treatment of metals which are ‘hot’ in the sense of being highly radioactive.
1973 R. D. Pehlke Unit Processes of Extractive Metallurgy i. 5Following the mining and concentration of minerals, their extraction is accomplished by application of chemical metallurgy in one of the three areas of extractive metallurgy: pyrometallurgy, hydrometallurgy, or electrometallurgy.
1879 Rutley Stud. Rocks xii. 208Commonly called metamorphic action, but which might more properly be designated *pyro⁓metamorphic action.
Ibid. ,*Pyro-metamorphism, by which rocks originally stratified..come to be subsequently acted on by heat, and so transformed into what are commonly called the metamorphic rocks.
1847 Webster, *Pyromorphous, in mineralogy, having the property of crystallization by fire.
1834 Tait's Mag. I. 39*Pyronomics, hydrostatics, phrenology,..and other crabbed sciences.
1601 Gill Treat. TrinitieWks. (1635) 220They which understand the rules of *Pyronomie, know what I say.
1858 Mayne Expos. Lex. ,Pyronomia, term for the doctrine of the nature and use of fire: pyronomy.
1836 Smart, *Pyrophanous, rendered transparent by heat.
1882 Nature XXVI. 304/1 This phenomenon, which Kastner called the interference of flames, was the..starting-point of Kastner's *Pyrophone or Flame-Organ, which he patented in 1873.
1828 Webster, *Pyroscope.
1832 Nat. Philos. II. Therm. & Pyrom. iv. 44 (U.K. S.)When one ball of the differential thermometer is smoothly covered with thick silver leaf, or inclosed in a polished sphere of silver, and the other ball is naked, it forms the pyroscope.
1883 Fisheries Exhib. Catal. 78Neal's Patent *Pyro-Silver Cutlery.
1832 L. Hunt Sir R. Esher (1850) 244,I would willingly elude the experiment, and take the wings of the ancient *pyrosophy.
1846 J. C. Brown tr. Arbousset'sNarr. xxi. (1852) 309Who can tell all the ingredients which may enter into the product of a pyrosophy so new?
1900 Geogr. Jrnl. XV. 88A coloured diagram showing an ideal section of the Earth on the hypothesis that within the solid lithosphere lies a *pyrosphere of intensely high temperature.
1963 D. W. & E. E. Humphries tr. Termier's Erosion & Sedimentation i. 1Glyptogenesis is the process of sculpturing of the lithosphere through the agency of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and pyrosphere.
1947 Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. LVIII. 1232 (heading)*Pyrosyntheses of telluride minerals.
1955 Jrnl. Amer. Chem. Soc. LXXVII. 1048/2 (heading)Pyrosynthesis of aspartic acid and alanine from citric acid cycle intermediates.
1961 Amer. Mineralogist XLVI. 823Differential thermal pyrosynthesis may be considered a modification of differential thermal analysis which allows investigation under closed system conditions. A record is obtained of thermal reactions which occur during synthesis by heating elemental constituents to the fusion point.
1956 Amer. Scientist XLIV. 357*Pyrosynthetic experiments.
1755 tr. Pontoppidan'sNat. Hist. Pref. 7That circumstantial examination..which hath been undertaken and executed by Fabricius, in his *pyro- and hydro-theology.
1857 Dunglison Med. Lex. ,*Pyrothonide.
1822 Cleaveland Min. (ed. 2) I. 426*Pyrallolite, this new mineral occurs both massive, and in crystals... This mineral..has received its allusion to its changes of color from white to dark, and from dark to white, before the blowpipe.
1837 Dana Min. 256Pyrallolite. Tersilicate of Magnesia.
1866–8 Watts Dict. Chem. IV. 753Pyrallolite, name of a series of decomposition-products of augite and occasionally of hornblende, consisting mainly of magnesian hydrosilicates. They blacken when heated, then burn white if in contact with the air.
1834 Amer. Jrnl. Sc. July 387*Pyrargillite.
1841 Penny Cycl. XIX. 153/1Pyrargillite occurs in four-sided prisms, with bevelled edges and massive.
1849 Nicol Min. 500Dark *pyrargyrite or antimonial silver-blende.
1866–8 Watts Dict. Chem. IV. 753Pyrargyrite. Dark-red silver ore. Ruby silver..occurring in rhombohedral crystals.
1868 Dana Min. (ed. 5) 179*Pyroaurite... Perfectly soluble in muriatic acid.
1920 Chem. Abstr. XIV. 1097 (heading)*Pyrobelonite, a new lead-manganese vanadate from Långbanshyttan.
1969 Canad. Mineralogist X. 117The specimen..was Harvard 94831 from the type locality, Långban, Sweden. It consists largely of massive to well-crystallized hausmannite in contact with, and cut by, calcite. The pyrobelonite occurs as very fine grains with a few small crystals (commonly
1903 C. Richardson in Science 13 Mar. 420/1The evidence thus obtained has been carefully analyzed, and the following classification of the native bitumens deduced: Gas... Petroleum... Maltha. Solid Bitumens... *Pyrobitumens: Practically insoluble in chloroform or heavy petroleum hydrocarbons.
1951 K. K. Landes PetroleumGeol. iv. 127The solid hydrocarbons may be subdivided into four main groups: petroleum bitumens, pyrobitumens, disseminated bitumens, and oxygen-bearing bitumens.
1965 Pyrobitumen . [ see impsonite]
1918 H. Abraham Asphalts & Allied Substances xi. 149They are grouped into five classes, [ sc. pyrobitumens] viz. : elaterite, wurtzilite, albertite, impsonite, and asphaltic *pyrobituminous shales.
1937 Bull. Amer. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists XXI. 122Regardless of the possible economic value of the Brazilian algal deposits and other pyrobituminous sediments, those now forming in fresh-water ponds and the related geologically young deposits have great scientific interest.
1830 Amer. Jrnl. Sc. XVIII. 392*Pyrochlore from Norway in zircon syenite.
1866 Lawrence tr. Cotta's RocksClass. (1878) 39Pyrochlore occurs as an accessory in granite and syenite.
1906 J. P. Iddings Rock Minerals ii. 464Pyrochlore group. Pyrochlore, RNb2O6.R(Ti,Th)O3.NaF. Koppite, R2Nb2O7.2/5NaF. Microlite,
1941 Amer. Mineralogist XXVI. 504A study of the available analyses of pyrochlore shows that both cerium and titanium are invariably present in appreciable amounts and must therefore be regarded as essential constituents.
Ibid. 505Koppite... Winchell (1933) describes this mineral as ‘a pyrochlore containing K’ while Brandenberger (1931) states that koppite should be regarded as an iron-columbium pyrochlore.
1959 . [ see pandaite]
1977 Amer. Mineralogist LXII. 404/1The pyrochlore group comprises those multiple cubic oxides having the following characteristics: (a) essential amounts of niobium, tantalum, and titanium, either individually or in combination (b) the space group Fd3m, (c) the pyrochlore structure as defined by Gaertner (1930) and Brandenberger (1931), and (d) the general formula A2-mB2O6(O,OH,F)1-npH2O... The recommended subgroups are: Pyrochlore Subgroup in which Nb + Ta > 2 Ti and Nb > Ta. [ Etc.]
1868 Dana Min. (ed. 5) 177*Pyrochroite... Occurs in veins, 1 to 2 lines broad.
1856 C. U. Shepard in Amer. Jrnl. Sci. & ArtsSer. ii. XXII. 97The altered guano is composed..of two mineral species, which I have called *pyroclasite and glaubapatite.
Ibid. 96*Pyro-guanite minerals. The three following species occur at Mong's Island.
1848 Mining Jrnl. 4 Nov. 521/1Mr. Twining's object is to form, by chemical means, a comprehensive series of petreous substances which he proposes to designate..*pyrolite or artificial lava, as..being of igneous origin.
1962 A. E. Ringwood in Jrnl. GeophysicalRes. LXVII. 860/1Immediately below the M discontinuity, the mantle consists dominantly of dunite and peridotite... This zone passes downward..into the primitive ‘pyrolite’. Peridotite is an unsatisfactory name for the hypothetical primitive mantle material, chemically equivalent to 1 part basalt plus 4 parts of dunite. Since a rock of this composition would crystallize dominantly as a mixture of olivine and pyroxene, the name ‘pyrolite’ is suggested. [ Note]
1975 Sci. Amer. Mar. 56/1Assigning an appropriate chemistry to the residual peridotite, one arrives at the hypothetical composition of the upper mantle. Pyrolite (pyroxene-olivine rock) is the name given to one of these hypothetical peridotites.
1856 C. U. Shepard in Amer. Jrnl. Sci. & ArtsSer. ii. XXII. 96*Pyromelane. Found in crystalline grains of the size of kernels of Indian corn.
1866–8 Watts Dict. Chem. IV. 762*Pyromeline.
1866 Lawrence tr. Cotta's RocksClass. 218* addition to the usual quartz crystals, contains balls of felsite.
1814 Allan Min. Nomencl. 29Brown and green lead ore..*pyromorphit.
1842 Brande Dict. Sci. , etc.,Pyromorphite, native phosphate of lead.
1794 Kirwan Min. (ed. 2) I. 291It is said that some *pyrophanes are found in Armenia which are transparent while exposed to the sun, and opake at night.
1946 J. R. Partington Gen. & InorganicChem. xviii. 506Montmorillonite shows the same X-ray pattern as *pyrophillite, which occurs crystalline in slates.
1975 Tindall & Thornhill Blandford Rock & Mineral Guide ii. 96This structure can extend indefinitely in a two-dimensional network or ‘sheet’; it is found, for example, in the mineral pyrophillite, Al2Si4O10(OH)2.
1830 Edin. Philos. Jrnl. VIII. 183The name *pyrophyllite is given to it on account of its exfoliation on exposure to heat.
1862 Dana Man. Geol. §67. 62Pyrophyllite, a mineral resembling talc in appearance and soapy feel.
1808 Nicholson's Jrnl. XIX. 33Mineralogical Description..of a Stone, called *Pyrophysalite.
1866 Brande & Cox Dict. Sci. , etc.,s.v. Mineralogy 531/2*Pyropissite.
1868 Dana Min. (ed. 5) 344*Pyroretinite, part of *Pyroretin of Reuss.
1881 Jrnl. Chem. Soc. XL. 359Four resins belonging to the retinite group., viz. , Pyroretin, Reussinite, Leucopetrite, and Euosinite.
1828 Webster s.v. ,*Pyrorthite is in black plates, thin and almost parallel.
1866 Lawrence tr. Cotta's RocksClass. (1878) 330*Pyroschist is..very bituminous and..dark-brown or black-coloured argillaceous shale.
1862 Dana Man. Geol. §8. 82They occur also in the *pyrosclerite and Williamsite of Chester Co. [ nickel and chrome] Pa.
1896 Chester Dict. NamesMin. ,Pyrosclerite,..a micaceous mineral, one of the uncertain alteration products classed with vermiculite.
1816 R. Jameson Syst. Min. (ed. 2) III. 311*Pyrosmalite or native Muriate of Iron.
1852 Shepard Min. (ed. 3) 160Pyrosmalite..heated in a tube yields water.
1868 Dana Min. (ed. 5) 93*Pyrostilpnite... Fireblende... Lustre pearly-adamantine. Color hyacinth-red.
1815 Henry Elem. Chem. (ed. 7) II. 281The peculiar fluid, which Derosne has termed *pyro-acetic ether, but to which Mr. Chenevix is of opinion, the less definite name of pyro-acetic spirit will be better adapted.
1859 Fownes Man. Chem. (ed. 7) 396Acetone: pyroacetic spirit... A peculiar inflammable volatile liquid, designated by the above names.
1868 Nat. Encycl. I. 115A..volatile inflammable fluid called pyro-acetic spirit.
1876 Mat. Med. (ed. 6) 296*Pyroarsenate of soda, isomorphous with the pyrophosphate of that base.
1882 Encycl. Brit. XIV. 91/2The methylated gallic ether or *pyrocatechuic acid.
1838 T. Thomson Chem. Org. Bodies 62Dumas subjected the pyrocitric acid in *pyrocitrate of lead to an ultimate analysis by means of oxide of copper.
1810–26 Henry Elem. Chem. II. 216*Pyro-citric Acid. M. Lassaigne has given this name to an acid, produced by the destructive distillation of citric acid.
1838 T. Thomson Chem. Org. Bodies 338Of pyrocitric and pyrotartaric ethers.
1863–8 Watts Dict. Chem. I. 992Citraconic acid (Pyrocitric acid), C5H6O4. (Lassaigne, 1882.)
1873 Watts Fownes'Chem. 739*Pyrocomenic acid is a weak acid.
1873 C. H. Ralfe Phys. Chem. 59Submitted to dry distillation, lithofellic acid loses 1 atom of water and is converted into *pyrofellic acid.
1843 Chem. Gaz. 1 Dec. 725*Pyroguaiacic Acid obtained by the Distillation of Guaiacum Resin.
1858 Mayne Expos. Lex. ,*Pyrokinate,..a combination of pyrokinic acid with a salifiable base.
1832 Encycl. Brit. VI. 430/1*Pyrokinic acid is formed when kinic acid is distilled in a retort.
1836 Smart, *Pyrolithic, an epithet applied to an acid obtained from uric acid.
1897 Syd. Soc. Lex. ,Pyrolithic acid, the same as Pyro-uric acid.
1866–8 Watts Dict. Chem. IV. 760*Pyrolithofellic acid, acid oil produced by the dry distillation of lithofellic acid, the chief constituent of some kinds of oriental bezoar.
1847 Webster, *Pyromalate . [ citing Ure]
1810–26 Henry Elem. Chem. II. 225When malic acid is heated out of the contact of air, it sublimes, and the sublimed crystals possess characters differing from those of the original acid. When thus altered, it has been called *pyromalic acid.
1865–8 Watts Dict. Chem. III. 784Maleic Acid. (Pyromalic acid, Pyrosorbic acid.)
1857 Miller Elem. Chem. III. 501*Pyromaric acid.
1866–8 Watts Dict. Chem. IV. 760Pyromaric acid..obtained by subjecting pimaric acid to dry distillation.
1882 Jrnl. Chem. Soc. XLII. 850Crystals of ammonium *pyromellate.
Ibid. 851*Pyromellic acid.
1851 Chem. Gaz. 15 Sept. 341A new acid, to which he has given the name of *pyromellitic acid. [ Erdmann]
1866–8 Watts Dict. Chem. IV. 369When heated to 200°, water and carbonic anhydride are evolved, and *pyropectic acid remains in the form of a black substance, insoluble in water, but soluble in alkaline liquids... Frémy deduces the formula C14H18O9.
Ibid. 766*Pyrophosphamate of Ammonium is obtained as a gummy mass.
1864 Jrnl. Chem. Soc. XVII. 237It seems preferable to adopt the names given by Laurent... These are *pyrophosphamic and pyrophosphodiamic acids.
1866–8 Watts Dict. Chem. IV. 766Laurent (1850) suggested that these acids were amic acids derived from pyrophosphoric acid, the first being pyrophosphamic acid, P2NH5O6, and the second pyrophosphodiamic acid, P2N2H6O5, and these formulæ have been confirmed by the more recent analyses.
1836–41 Brande Chem. (ed. 5) 492Phosphoric acid, after it has been exposed for some time to heat, yields, when saturated with bases, salts possessed of certain peculiarities, which have hence been termed *pyrophosphates.
1866–8 Watts Dict. Chem. IV. 537Intermediate between ortho- and meta-phosphates there are at least three distinct classes of salts, the most important of which are pyrophosphates or paraphosphates.
1869 Roscoe Elem. Chem. 159If common sodium phosphate be heated to redness, water is driven off, sodium pyrophosphate remains.
1912 E. Feilmann tr. Molinari'sInorg. Chem. 348The pyrophosphates..give a precipitate with copper salts, which is soluble in excess of pyrophosphate.
1950 N. V. Sidgwick Chem. Elements I. 746Ethyl pyrophosphate Et4P2O7 can be made from the silver salt and ethyl iodide.
1957 G. E. Hutchinson Treat. Limnol. I. xii. 728Though pyrophosphate plays an important role inside the organism, it is easily hydrolyzed and only orthophosphate is likely to be of importance in the environment.
1970 Ambrose & Easty CellBiol. vii. 248There is another type of reaction, catalysed by enzymes known as phosphorylases, in which a sugar phosphate reacts with another sugar to form a disaccharide and inorganic pyrophosphate.
1832 Encycl. Brit. VI. 380/1Mr. Clarke..called the newly modified acid *pyrophosphoric acid.
1850 Daubeny Atom. The. x. 334. 1866–8 WattsDict. Chem. IV. 539Pyrophosphoric acid is converted into metaphosphoric acid when heated to redness, and into orthophosphoric acid when boiled with water.
1837 R. D. Thomson in Brit. Ann. 339*Pyroracemic acid.
1866–8 Watts Dict. Chem. IV. 770Pyroracemic acid is a liquid having a faint yellowish colour, smelling like acetic acid.
1894 Muir & Morley Watts'Dict. Chem. IV. 363Pyroracemic or Pyruvic acid, C3H4O3 = CH3.CO.CO2H.
1865–8 *Pyrosorbic: see pyromalic.
1894 Muir & Morley Watts'Dict. Chem. IV. 582Potassium *pyrosulphate, K2S2O7, is formed by heating K2SO4 with half its weight of H2SO4 till acid ceases to come off at an incipient red heat.
1872 Jrnl. Chem. Soc. XXV. 669Proofs that sulphuric and *pyrosulphuric acids are really distinct compounds.
1875 Watts Dict. Chem. VII. 1140Disulphuric, Pyrosulphuric, or Anhydrosulphuric Acid; Nordhausen Sulphuric Acid.
1866–8 Watts Dict. Chem. IV. 776*Pyroterebic Acid..belonging to the acrylic a liquid boiling at 210°, and smelling of butyric acid.
Ibid. ,*Pyroterebrate of silver, C6H9AgO2, crystallises with difficulty, and blackens on exposure to light.
1810–26 Henry Elem. Chem. II. 413The liquid, when filtered and evaporated, yielded small white needles which were pure *pyro-uric acid.
1836–41 Brande Chem. (ed. 5) 564Cyanuric Acid... Scheele first described this acid under the name of pyrouric acid.
1857 Miller Elem. Chem. III. 263*Pyrobenzoline (lophine).
Ibid. 349Catechin..yields a crystallizable substance termed *pyrocatechin, or oxyphenic acid.
1878 Kingzett Anim. Chem. 236Pyrocatechin was discovered in human urine by Müller and Ebstein.
1897 Allbutts' Syst. Med. IV. 555Mühlmann has put forward the view that the symptoms of Addison's disease are due to chronic poisoning with pyrocatechin.
1890 Proc. Chem. Soc. VI. 90The very high price of *pyrocatechol renders it desirable to discover improved methods of preparing it.
1932 I. D. Garard Introd. Org. Chem. xiv. 199Pyrocatechol is used as a photographic developer.
1956 Nature 28 Jan. 184/2 Copper cyanide, though it accelerates considerably the rate of autoxidation of pyrocatechol.., is not very superior to cupric ions alone as regards catalytic activity on pigment formation from pyrocatechol.
1881 Jrnl. Chem. Soc. XL. 295The authors propose to call it *pyrocoll, because of its mode of formation from gelatin.
1894 Muir & Morley Watts'Dict. Chem. IV. 359Pyrocoll, C10H6N2O2, a product of the distillation of gelatin when free from fat but containing albumen, casein or gluten.
1858 Chem. Gaz. 1 May 178* precipitated by baryta.
1866–8 Watts Dict. Chem. IV. 758Pyrodextrin is a solid, brown, friable mass, shining and tough when moist. Inodorous and tasteless... dissolves readily in water, forming a brown adhesive gum. [ It]
1861 Chem. News III. 111/2*Pyroglycerine oxidises phosphorus, potassium, and copper.
1864–72 Watts Dict. Chem. II. 894The hypothetical body glycide, the alcohol of the glycidic ethers, and is related to glycerin in the same manner as *pyroglycide to pyroglycerin.
1866–8 Ibid. IV. 771*Pyrostearin, the name applied by Berzelius to the less fusible portion of the distillate obtained by distilling empyreumatic oils with water.
1895 Muir & Morley Watts'Dict. Chem. III. 349.
before vowels pyr-, word-forming element form meaning "fire," from Greek pyro-, combining form of pyr (genitive pyros) "fire, funeral fire," also symbolic of terrible things, rages, "rarely as an image of warmth and comfort" [Liddell & Scott]; see fire, n.. Pyriphlegethon, literally "fire-blazing," was one of the rivers of Hell.
ORIGIN: Greek puro- , from pur fire: see -o- .
☞ pyro
— see pyr-
— see pyr-
pyro-pyr- (before a vowel or h)
- fire, heat.
- fever.
- chemistry orthoacid.
From Latin pyr, from Ancient Greek πῦρ (pûr, “fire”).