1875 Bennett & Dyer Sachs'Bot. 90–1In some cases the phellogen of the periderm gives rise not only to cork⁓cells..but.. permanent parenchyma-cells containing chlorophyll..which Sanio terms the suberous cortical layer (Phelloderm)... In such cases the phellogen lies between the periderm and the phelloderm, the outer of its daughter⁓cells producing cork-cells, the inner phelloderm. [ to]
1884 Bower & Scott De Bary's Phaner. 545The periderm consists of the phellogenetic meristem , and the tissues..derived from it, which..include a..stratum of Cork-cells..to which usually, but not always, phellogenic or peridermal parenchyma, the Phelloderm of Sanio, is added. [ = phellogen]
Ibid. 549The number of the phellodermal layers..is in most species very small, in comparison with the cork-layers which appear in the same space of time.
combining form
Etymology: Greek, cork, from phellos; probably akin to Greek phloos bark — more at phloem
: cork : bark
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