Old English eall "all, every, entire," from Proto-Germanic *alnaz (cognates: Old Frisian, Old High German al, Old Norse allr, Gothic alls), with no certain connection outside Germanic.Combinations with all meaning "wholly, without limit" were common in Old English (such as eall-halig "all-holy," eall-mihtig "all-mighty") and the method continued to form new compound words throughout the history of English. First record of all out "to one's full powers" is 1880. All-terrain vehicle first recorded 1968. All clear as a signal of "no danger" is recorded from 1902. All right, indicative of approval, is attested from 1953.
☞ all, allo
词根:all = other
来自希腊语的all 意为other。同义词根有来自拉丁语的alter(ulter),ali。
1. parallelism(两个相互不同的东西并列放置 par<para(=beside,side by side) + all (=other))
parallel adj. 平行的;(n.)平行线;相似(物);可相比拟的人(或事物);纬线;(v.)与...平行;与...美似
parallelogram n.平行四边形
There's distinct parallelism in the personal histories of my best friend and myself. 我和最好的朋友过去明显很想像。
2. allegory
n.寓言;讽喻 *gor<ger(=carry)
allegoric /allegorical 寓言的;讽喻的
3. allergy
n.[医]过敏;<口>反感 *erg(=to work)
allergen n.过敏原(引起过敏反应的物南)
4. allergic
adj.过敏的;对...非常反感的 *erg(=to work)
allergic to criticism 非常讨厌批评的
5. alloy
6. unalloyed
adj.非合金的;纯粹的,真正的 *un(=not)
unalloyed joy 真正的喜悦