mid-13c., "to practice habitually," from Anglo-French meintenir (Old French maintenir, 12c.) "keep (a wife), sustain; persevere in, practice continually," from Latin manu tenere "hold in the hand," from manu, ablative of manus "hand" (see manual) + tenere "to hold" (see tenet). Meaning "to carry on, keep up" is from mid-14c.; that of "to keep oneself, to support" is from late 14c. Sense of "to defend in speech" is from mid-14c. Related: Maintained; maintaining; maintains.
〔蒋〕[main→man手,tain持,握;’手持”,’握有”] 保持,保存,维持
〔蒋〕[main=man手,tain握,持;’to hold in the hand, to keep up,to uphold”] 保持,保存,维持,坚持,供养
〔李〕[main (man的异体)=hand手;tain=to hold握→“to hold by hand用手握住”→] v. keep possession of 保持,维持