1640s, "evergreen," formed in English from Latin perennis "lasting through the year (or years)," from per- "through" (see per) + annus "year" (see annual). Botanical sense of "Remaining alive through a number of years" is attested from 1670s; figurative meaning of "enduring, permanent" is from 1750. Related: Perennially. For vowel change, see biennial. The noun meaning "a perennial plant" is from 1763.
〔李〕[per-=through 通过;enni=year 年;-al=being...的 →] a. lasting through the whole year 终年的
〔蒋〕[per-通,全,enn年,-ial形容词后缀,…的] 全年的,四季不断的
〔李〕[per-=through通;enni=year年;-al a.→“through a year通年的”→] a.①lasting through the year常年不断的