mid-14c., "branch of philosophy that treats of forms of thinking," from Old French logique (13c.), from Latin (ars) logica, from Greek logike (techne) "reasoning (art)," from fem. of logikos "pertaining to speaking or reasoning," from logos "reason, idea, word" (see logos). Meaning "logical argumentation" is from c.1600.
〔李〕[log =word,idea字,思想;-ic ⇒“the art of selecting words or expressing ideas选择字句,表达思想的艺术”→] n. the sci-ence of reasoning or proof逻辑学
〔蒋〕[log语言→辩论→推理,论理,-ic名词后缀,表示…学] 逻辑
〔李〕[log=reason推理;-ic n.=the science or art of……学→] n. the science and art of reasoning correctly逻辑学(正确推理的科学)