

词汇 log
Online Etymology Dictionary

unshaped large piece of tree, early 14c., of unknown origin. Old Norse had lag "felled tree" (from stem of liggja "to lie"), but on phonological grounds many etymologists deny that this is the root of English log. Instead, they suggest an independent formation meant to "express the notion of something massive by a word of appropriate sound." OED compares clog, n. in its original Middle English sense "lump of wood." Log cabin (1770) in American English has been a figure of the honest pioneer since the 1840 presidential campaign of William Henry Harrison. Falling off a log as a type of something easy to do is from 1839.
"record of observations, readings, etc.," 1842, sailor's shortening of log-book "daily record of a ship's speed, progress, etc." (1670s), from log, n.1. The book so called because a wooden float at the end of a line was cast out to measure a ship's speed. General sense by 1913.
"to fell a tree," 1717; earlier "to strip a tree" (1690s), from log, n.1. Related: Logged; logging.
"to enter into a log-book," 1823, from log, n.2. Meaning "to attain (a speed) as noted in a log" is recorded by 1883. Related: Logged; logging.
log, logo, ology

词根:log = science, 表示“科学, 学科”

chronology n. 年代学,年表(chrono时间+log+y)

entomology n. 昆虫学(entomo昆虫+log+y)

epistemology n. 认识论(epi 下面+stem根,基础+o+log+y→知识基础之学→认识论)

etymology n. 词源学(etym真正的+o+log+y→词真正来源的学科;eymon词源)

genealogy n. 家谱(学)(gen出生+ea+log+y→研究出生的学科)

geology n. 地质学(geo地+log+y)

meteorology n. 气象学(meteor陨石,引申为气象+o+log+y)

morphology n. 形态学(morph形状+o+log+y)

mythology n. 神话学(myth神话+o+log+y)

ornithology n. 鸟类学(ornith鸟+o+log+y)

psychology n. 心理学(paych心理+o+log+y)

physilolgy n. 生理学(phys身体,物质+io+log+y)

theology n. 神学(theo神+o+log+y)


log =speak言,说

dialogue [dia-对,相对,log言,说] 对话

dialogist [见上,-ist表示人] 对话者

eulogy [eu-美好,log言,-y名词后缀,’美言”] 赞美之词,颂词,赞扬

eulogize [见上,-ize动词后缀] 赞美,赞颂,颂扬

apology [apo-分开,离开,脱开,log言,说;’说开”→解说] 道歉,谢罪,辩解

apologize [见上,-ize动词后缀] 道歉,谢罪,辩解

prologue [pro-前,log言] 前言,序言

epilogue [epi-旁,外,log言,话;’正文以外的话”→正文后面的话] 结束语,后记,跋,闭幕词

epilogize [见上,-ize动词后缀] 作结束语

monologue [mono-单独,log言,说] (戏剧)独白

monologist [见上,-ist表示人] (戏剧)独白者

pseudology [pseudo-假,log言,话,-y名词后缀] 假话

neologism [neo-新,log言,词,-ism表示语言] 新语,新词

neologize [见上,-ize动词后缀] 使用新词,创造新词

antilogy [anti-反对,相反,log言;’相反之言”] 前后矛盾,自相矛盾

dyslogy [dys-恶,不良,log言;’恶言”] 非难,非议,指责,咒骂

logic [log语言→辩论→推理,论理,-ic名词后缀,表示…学] 逻辑

logical [见上,-al形容词后缀,…的] 逻辑的,符合逻辑的

illogical [il-不,见上] 不合逻辑的

philologist [philo爱好,log语言,-ist者] 语言学者

philology [见上,-y名词后缀] 语言学





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