c.1300, from Old French revers "reverse, cross, opposite" (13c.), from Latin reversus, past participle of revertere "turn back, turn about, come back, return" (see revert). Reverse angle in film-making is from 1934. Reverse discrimination is attested from 1962, American English.
mid-14c., "opposite or contrary" (of something), from reverse, adj. or from Old French Related: revers "the opposite, reverse." Meaning "a defeat, a change of fortune" is from 1520s; meaning "back side of a coin" is from 1620s. Of gear-shifts in motor cars, from 1875. As a type of sports play (originally rugby) it is recorded from 1921.
early 14c. (transitive), "change, alter;" early 15c. (intransitive), "go backward," from Old French reverser "reverse, turn around; roll, turn up" (12c.), from Late Latin reversare "turn about, turn back," frequentative of Latin revertere (see revert). Related: Reversed; reversing.
〔蒋〕[re-回,反→倒,vers转] 倒转,翻转,回复,反向
〔李〕[re-=back, against回,反;vers=to turn转;-e→] v.① turn back;return回转;倒退