1727, from Latin auditorium "lecture room," literally "place where something is heard," neuter of auditorius (adj.) "of or for hearing," from auditus, past participle of audire "to hear" (see audience); also see -ory. Earlier in the same sense was auditory (late 14c.).
〔李〕n. 礼堂( ←auditory a. ) ←-um [L] 表示“⋯场所;⋯元素”
〔蒋〕[audi听,-orium 名词后缀,表示场所,地点;“听讲的场所”] 礼堂,讲堂,听众席
〔李〕[audit=to hear听;-orium n.=place场所→“place for hearing听的场所”→] n.① building or room for public meetings礼堂;演讲厅② the space allocated to the hearers听众席