词汇 | force |
词根词缀 | 词源: force (n.) c.1300, from O.Fr. force, from L.L. fortia, from neut. pl. of L. fortis "strong" (see fort). Meaning "body of armed men, army" first recorded late 14c. The verb is first attested early 14c.; its original sense was "to ravish" (a woman). 词根记忆: n. 力量,力;势力;(pl.)(总称)军队v.强迫I was forced to open the door.我被迫开门. n. 力量,强制力[fore,fort=storng,表示"强大,力量"] 词根词缀: force force n 力量,强制力fore,fort=storng,表示”强大,力量” force n 力量,强制力forceful a 有力的(force+ful) enforce v 强行,实行(en进入+force=进入力量=强行) reinforce v 加强,巩固(re 再次+in+force=再次增加力量) fort n 要塞,堡垒fortress n 堡垒(fort+ress 通常表示女性,这里指凹进去的堡垒,参考:actress女演 员) fortify v 加固,加强(fort+ify=力量化=加固) fortitude n 刚毅,不屈不挠(fort+itude表示状态=强的状态) effort n 努力,奋发(ef出+fort=出力=努力) forte n 长处,优点,a.强音的(fort+c=强大=长处) comfort v 安慰,舒适(com共同+fort强大=一起给力量=安慰) comfortable a 愉快舒适的(comfort+able) discomfort v 使不安,不愉快(dis 不+comfort舒适=不舒适) |
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