

词汇 evolution
词根词缀 词源:
1640s, "an opening of what was rolled up," from L. evolutionem "unrolling of a book," noun of action from evolvere (see evolve). Used in various senses in medicine, mathematics, and general use, including "growth to maturity and development of an individual living thing" (1660s). Modern use in biology, of species, first attested 1832 by Scottish geologist Charles Lyell. Charles Darwin used the word only once, in the closing paragraph of "The Origin of Species" (1859), and preferred descent with modification, in part because evolution already had been used in the 18c. homunculus theory of embryological development (first proposed under this name by Bonnet, 1762), in part because it carried a sense of "progress" not found in Darwin's idea. But Victorian belief in progress prevailed (along with brevity), and Herbert Spencer and other biologists popularized evolution.
进化,演变,发展,进展He is absorbed in the evolution of the story.他被故事情节的发展吸引了.
evolution n 进化,发育(e+volut+ion)
vol volv volt=roll,turn,表示”卷,转” olubility n 流畅,健谈(vol+udility能…性质=[舌头]能转动=健谈)
voluble a 流畅的,滔滔不绝的volume n 卷,册(vol+ume=卷=一卷书)
voluminous a 多卷的,多产的(volum卷+inous多…的=多卷本的)
convolve v 盘旋,缠绕(con一起+volv+e=一起转=缠绕)
evolve v 发展,进化(e出+volv+e=转出来=发展,进化)
evolution n 进化,发育(e+volut+ion)
evolutionism n 进化论(evolution进化+ism)
revolution n 革命,变革(re翻+olut+ion=翻转=革命)
revolve v 旋转,循环(re再+volv+e=再转一次=旋转)
revolver n 左轮手枪(re+volv+er=子弹旋转打出)
revolt n 叛变,起义(re反+volt转=转反了=叛变)
involve v 卷入,连累(in 进入+volv+e=转进去=卷入)
involement n 互卷,卷进(inter在…之间+olv+e=在[二者]间转_互卷)
archivoit n 拱门装饰(areh弧行+i+volt_转成弧形拱门 装饰)




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