

词汇 new
词根词缀 词源:
O.E. neowe, niowe, earlier niwe, from P.Gmc. *newjaz (cf. O.Fris. nie, Du. nieuw, Ger. neu, Dan., Swed. ny, Goth. niujis "new"), from PIE *newos (cf. Skt. navah, Pers. nau, Hittite newash, Gk. neos, Lith. naujas, O.C.S. novu, Rus. novyi, L. novus, O.Ir. nue, Welsh newydd "new"). Newly-wed (n.) first recorded 1918. Newborn is c.1300 as an adj., 1879 as a noun. New math in ref. to a system of teaching mathematics based on investigation and discovery is from 1958. New England was named 1616 by Capt. John Smith; Newfoundland is from 1585. New World to designate phenomena of the Western Hemisphere first attested 1823, in Lord Byron.
新(近)的;新来的;不熟悉的;没经验的I have just bought a new shirt.我刚刚买了一件新衬衫.




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