

词汇 mew
词根词缀 词源:
  mew (v.) "make a sound like a cat," early 14c., mewen, of imitative origin (cf. Ger. miauen, Fr. miauler, It. miagolare, Sp. maullar, and see meow). Related: Mewed; mewing.
  mew (n.1) "seagull," O.E. mæw, from P.Gmc. *maigwis (cf. O.S. mew, Fris. meau, M.L.G. mewe, Du. meeuw "gull"), of imitative origin. O.Fr. moue (Fr. mouette) and Lith. mevas are Gmc. loan-words.
  mew (n.2) "cage," c.1300, from O.Fr. mue "cage for hawks, especially when molting," from muer "to molt," from L. mutare "to change" (see mutable).




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