

词汇 ream
词根词缀 词源:
  ream (n.) 1356, from O.Fr. reyme, from Sp. resma, from Arabic rizmah "bundle" (of paper), from rasama "collect into a bundle." The Moors brought manufacture of cotton paper to Spain. Early variant rym (1470s) suggests a Du. influence (cf. Du. riem), probably during the time of Spanish Hapsburg control of Holland. Properly, 20 quires or 480 sheets, usually 500 or more to allow for waste. Of paper for printing, 21 and a half quires, or 516 sheets (printers' ream).
  ream (v.) "to enlarge a hole," 1815, probably a S.W. England dialect survival from M.E. reme "to make room, open up," from O.E. ryman "widen, extend, enlarge," from P.Gmc. *rumijanan (cf. O.S. rumian, O.N. ryma, O.Fris. rema, O.H.G. rumen "to make room, widen"), from *rumaz "spacious" (see room). Slang meaning "to cheat, swindle" first recorded 1914; anal sex sense is from 1942. To ream (someone) out "scold, reprimand" is recorded from 1950.




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