1819, from Greek bios "life" (see bio-) + -logy. Suggested 1802 by German naturalist Gottfried Reinhold Treviranus (1776-1837), and introduced as a scientific term that year in French by Lamarck.
〔李〕[bio- =living things生物;-logy →] n. the science of living things生物学/Botany,zoology and ecology are all branches of biology.植物学、动物学与生态学都是生物学的分科。▷biologist n. 生物学家 biological。a. 生物学的
〔李〕n.生物学 [logy=the science of] ←bio-[GK] =life生命,生物
〔李〕[bio=life生命,生物;-logy n.=branch of science一门科学→] n. the science of life in all生物学