Word Origin
a combining form appearing in loanwords from Greek, where it meant “membrane” (hymenopteron); on this model, used in the formation of compound words (hymenotomy).
< Greek, combining form of hymḗn membrane, hymen
Related Words
- hymenopterous
- hymenotomy
1884 Times 14 Aug. 3 There is a close analogy in chemical properties between nicotine and *hymenodictyonine.
1884 Cassell's Encycl. Dict. (quoting Dunglison),*Hymenogeny.
1890 Athenæum 5 Apr. 439/2 Specimens of a new British *hymeno-lichen, Cyconema interruptum.
1847 Craig, *Hymenology.
1855 Mayne Expos. Lex. ,Hymenology, term for that branch which treats of the nature and structure of membranes. [ of anatomy]
1874 Cooke Fungi 50Such *hymenomycetal forms as Clavaria and Pterula.
1884 Athenæum 26 Jan. 124/1 Structurally it is hymenomycetal and not ascomycetal. [ Sphæria pocula]
1887 Garnsey tr. De Bary's Fungi v. §88. 302The sporophore would be thought at first sight to belong to a Peziza rather than to a *Hymenomycete.
1857 Berkeley Cryptog.Bot. §410. 374Other *hymenomycetoid expansions.
1866 Treas. Bot. 608/1Hymenophorum, the cellular or filamentous structure in *hymenomycetous fungi, on which the hymenium or fructifying surface is spread like wax upon a mould.
1874 Cooke Fungi 18The stem and cap or pileus, which together constitute what is called the *hymenophore.
combining form
see hymen-
see hymen-