late 14c., "to turn aside, deviate," from Old French decliner "to sink, decline, degenerate, turn aside," from Latin declinare "to lower, avoid, deviate, to bend from, inflect," from de- "from" (see de-) + clinare "to bend," from PIE *klei-n-, suffixed form of *klei- "to lean" (see lean, v.). Sense has been altered since c.1400 by interpretation of de- as "downward." Meaning "not to consent, politely refuse," is from 1630s. Related: Declined; declining.
early 14c., "deterioration, degeneration," from Old French declin (see decline, v.).
〔李〕[de-=down 下;clin=to bend弯;-e⇒“to bend down弯下去”→] v. ①bend or slope downwards 下倾
〔李〕[de-;clin;-e] v.下垂; 下倾; 下跌 n.衰退; 下降 ←clin (L clinare)=to bend, to lean弯,倾
〔蒋〕[de-加强意义, clin倾] 倾斜,下倾,衰落