Word Origin
a combining form occurring in loanwords from Latin, where it meant “well”:
combining form of bene (adv.) well (< *dwenē), akin to bonus good (< *dwenos)
Related Words
- benevolent
- Benedicite
- Benedictus
- benefaction
- benefactor
- benefic
bene-a word element meaning 'well', as in benediction.
[Latin, combining form of bene (adverb)]bene-
word-forming element meaning "well," from Latin bene "well, in the right way, honorably, properly," from PIE *dw-ene-, adverbial form of root *deu- (2) "to do, perform; show favor, revere." From the same source come Latin bonus "good," bellus "handsome, fine, pretty," and possibly beatus "blessed," beare "to make blessed."
前缀:bene- 善、好
benevolent 善心的,慈善的
benediction 祝福
beneficent 行善的
benefaction 恩惠,善行
词根:bene- = 表示"善, 好"
benewolent 好意的(bene+vol意愿+ent→好意的)
benefaction 好事;恩惠(bene+fact做+ion→好事)
benefit 好处,利益(bene+fit做→做事后的好处→利益)
benediction 祝福(bene+dict说+ion→说好话)
beneficent 仁慈的,善行的(bene+fic做+ent→做好事的)