1530s, "a hanger-on, a toady, person who lives on others," from Middle French parasite (16c.) or directly from Latin parasitus "toady, sponger," and directly from Greek parasitos "one who lives at another's expense, person who eats at the table of another," from noun use of an adjective meaning "feeding beside," from para- "beside" (see para-(1)) + sitos "food," of unknown origin. Scientific meaning "animal or plant that lives on others" is first recorded 1640s (implied in parasitical).
〔李〕[para-=beside旁;site=feeding 食⇒“feeding beside the host 依靠主人为食”→] n. animal or plant living on another and getting food from it;person supported by others 寄生虫,寄生物;食客
〔李〕[para-;sit;-e] n.寄生虫; 食客 ←sit (GK sitos)=food 食物