1540s, from Middle French parallèle (16c.) and directly from Latin parallelus, from Greek parallelos "parallel," from para allelois "beside one another," from para- "beside" (see para-(1)) + allelois "each other," from allos "other" (see alias, adv.). As a noun from 1550s. Parallel bars as gymnastics apparatus are recorded from 1868.
1590s, from parallel, n..
〔李〕[par-(para-)=beside 在…旁;allel=another 另一个⇒“beside one another 两者并排”→] a. being the same distance apart everywhere 平行的,并行的
〔李〕[par-;all;-eln.] a.平行的,并行的 ←all (GK allos)=other 其它